Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1850

background image



forward or backward in tracks II-186
linked items II-227
Option key shortcuts II-202
for trim edits II-348–II-350

selecting items in Browser I-55
Selection tool I-67, II-179, III-238, IV-433
selection tools II-178, II-181, II-190, II-348
Select Preset option IV-133
Select Track Backward tool II-180, II-186
Select Track Forward tool II-180, II-186, II-210
Select Track tool II-180, II-185, II-186
self-contained movies I-318, IV-240–IV-243, IV-255
self-powered speakers III-26, III-32
Sepia filter III-207
sequence clips I-122, II-218, III-186

described II-78, IV-32, IV-433
duration II-218
In and Out points II-429
independent clips II-430, II-433
master clips for II-430–II-433
match frame operations II-431, II-433
media files for II-432
offline IV-59
opening II-295, II-354, II-428
sprocket holes II-428
switching to Canvas or Timeline II-429
in Viewer II-427–II-430

sequence icon IV-33
sequence markers III-18, IV-243
Sequence Preset Editor II-450, III-549–III-553, III-556,
IV-237, IV-319
sequence presets

audio IV-338, IV-342
described IV-302, IV-335
general settings IV-336–IV-337
loading IV-344
new sequences and IV-285
prompting for II-73, II-85
rendering IV-340
settings IV-336–IV-345
timecode rates in II-450
Timeline options IV-340

Sequence Presets tab II-450, IV-336

See also sequence clips
adding clips to II-93, II-96–II-98
adding tracks to II-124–II-125, II-146
adjusting master levels III-86
anamorphic media and IV-397–IV-398
applying filters to clips III-186
audio sample rate conversion I-314
avoiding nested II-423–II-426
batch exporting IV-267–IV-276
capturing clips I-266
changing settings for IV-344–IV-345
chapter, compression, and scoring markers II-60

closing I-88, I-111, II-86
copying IV-79, IV-147
copying between projects II-88
copying clips to or from II-413, II-414–II-417
copying portions of IV-99
copying to new projects IV-98
creating I-55, II-85
creating offline copies IV-100
default number of tracks II-86
deleting clips from II-206–II-208
deleting from projects I-58
deleting tracks from II-126
deleting transitions from II-386
described I-29, II-80, IV-32, IV-433
dragging between projects II-88
duplicating II-87, IV-148
editing clips into II-169–II-170, II-423–II-426
editing keyboard shortcuts II-425
editing timebase IV-335
exporting IV-222, IV-264–IV-265
exporting 16:9 rectangular frame size IV-400
exporting as batch lists I-302
exporting as EDLs IV-124–IV-125
exporting as QuickTime movies IV-237, IV-239–
exporting audio from IV-236
exporting for DVDs IV-215
frame rates IV-335
gaps in II-171–II-172, II-209–II-211
high-resolution settings IV-54
image IV-246, IV-264, IV-264–IV-265
image sequences I-306
In and Out points II-108–II-117, II-150, II-169
letterboxing IV-399
limitations on I-115
locked tracks in II-132–II-133
looping IV-212
low-resolution settings IV-54
markers II-54, II-57, II-59, III-18
marking controls I-89
matching audio for I-80, I-95
matching video for I-80, I-95
modifying timecode II-449–II-450
moving playhead I-93
moving transitions in II-384
multiclip sequences II-257–II-266
multiple open sequences II-414
nested IV-141, IV-159, IV-400, IV-427
nested sequences II-80, II-89, II-413, II-418–II-423,
numbered I-316–I-320
numbered images IV-264, IV-265
number of open sequences IV-404
opening I-88, I-111, II-86, II-414
opening clips from II-354
organizing in projects I-32