Overview of the final cut pro interface, Basics of working in the final cut pro interface, Chapter 4 – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

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Overview of the
Final Cut Pro Interface

The Final Cut Pro interface has four main windows and a
Tool palette.

This chapter includes:


Basics of Working in the Final Cut Pro Interface

(p. 43)


Using Keyboard Shortcuts, Buttons, and Shortcut Menus

(p. 45)


Customizing the Interface

(p. 48)


Undoing and Redoing Changes

(p. 51)


Entering Timecode for Navigation Purposes

(p. 52)

Basics of Working in the Final Cut Pro Interface

There are four main windows in Final Cut Pro that you use while you are making your
movie. You may want to open Final Cut Pro so you can view these windows and
familiarize yourself with them.

Note: If you’re opening Final Cut Pro for the first time, you’re prompted to choose an
Easy Setup (a collection of settings that determines how Final Cut Pro works with your
editing system) and a scratch disk (the hard disk where you’ll store your captured
media files). For more information about these settings, see “

Opening Final Cut Pro and

Choosing Your Initial Settings

” on page 170.

To open Final Cut Pro:


In the Finder, double-click the Final Cut Pro icon in the Applications folder.

You may also choose to add the Final Cut Pro icon to the Dock for easier access. For
more information, see Mac Help.