Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1067

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Part II

Project Interchange

To slow down a clip’s motion at the beginning and speed it up as it nears the
next keyframe:


Drag the velocity handle away from the selected keyframe.

To add Bezier handles to a keyframe and change the acceleration:


Control-click a keyframe, then choose an option from the shortcut menu, depending
on the kind of acceleration you want.

 Ease In/Ease Out: Curved keyframes are created with the velocity handle set for

motion to begin slowly, and then speed up over time, as the clip moves from that
keyframe to the next one on the motion path.

 Linear: Curved keyframes are created with the velocity handle set to provide a

steady rate of speed as the clip moves from that keyframe to the next one on the
motion path.

Note: Both commands create Bezier handles with the same controls.


The velocity at which clips speed up into or slow down out of keyframed

motion in the Canvas has no effect on the overall speed of the clip’s motion.

Drag away from the

keyframe to slow down

the motion of the clip at
the beginning, and then

speed it up as it nears the

next keyframe.

Two commands in the
shortcut menu let you
manipulate acceleration
on a motion path.