Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1396

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Chapter 4

Working With Master and Affiliate Clips



Breaking the Relationship Between an Affiliated Clip
and Its Master

Once the relationship between master and affiliate clips is broken, the affiliate clip
becomes independent. Not only are all of its properties independent, such as name, log
notes, and so on, but the independent clip now refers to its media file directly, instead
of by way of a master clip. Changes to the original master clip no longer have any
effect on the independent clip.


Since breaking the master-affiliate clip relationship can lead to more

complex media management, you should only break the relationship when absolutely

The relationship between a master clip and its affiliate clips can be broken at any time
by performing one of the following operations:

 Delete a master clip: When a master clip is deleted, you are warned that all affiliate

clips are going to lose their master clip. If you click OK, all of the master clips’ affiliate
clips become independent from each other. Affiliate clips in the Browser become
master clips, while affiliate clips in sequences become independent clips.

 Copy clips or sequences between projects: If you have two projects open at the same

time, and you copy a clip or sequence from project A to project B, all clips in the
sequence pasted into project B become independent; pasted clips not in sequences
become master clips.

 Edit a clip from an independently opened media file into a sequence: If you open a

media file directly into the Viewer using the Open command (instead of importing it
into your project, which automatically creates a master clip), the media file appears in
its own Viewer window as an independent clip. Editing it from this Viewer window
into a sequence in your project results in the creation of an independent clip in that

To break the relationship between a Browser affiliate clip and its master clip:


Select one or more affiliate clips in the Browser.


Choose Modify > Make Master Clip.

The affiliated clips in the Browser now have master clip status and are unrelated to
their original master clips.

Note: You can verify that a clip is a master clip by checking that its Master Clip property
is checked.