Exporting quicktime-compatible files, Chapter 19 – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1596

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Exporting QuickTime-Compatible

When you need to export video, audio, or still image
files for use in other applications, you can use the Export
Using QuickTime Conversion command to create any
file format supported by QuickTime.

This chapter covers the following:


About the Export Using QuickTime Conversion Command

(p. 245)


Types of QuickTime-Compatible File Formats

(p. 246)


Exporting a QuickTime Movie File for Web Distribution

(p. 247)


Exporting a DV Stream

(p. 256)


Exporting an AVI File

(p. 257)

About the Export Using QuickTime Conversion Command

A QuickTime-compatible file may be any kind of media file that QuickTime supports,
such as an AIFF or WAVE audio file, a graphics file or sequence of still images such as
TIFF or JPEG, an AVI or MPEG-4 movie file, or even a QuickTime movie file.


Like the Export QuickTime Movie command, the Export Using QuickTime

Conversion command allows you to export QuickTime movie files, but in slightly
different ways. If you use this command to export a QuickTime movie, be aware that
this command always recompresses all video frames, even if your export settings use
the same codec as your selected sequence. For information about that feature, see
Volume IV, Chapter 18, “Exporting QuickTime Movies.”

What Is QuickTime and Why Do I Need to Know About It?

QuickTime is Apple’s multiplatform, multimedia technology for handling video,
sound, animation, graphics, text, interactivity, and music. For more information, see
Volume IV, Chapter 17, “Learning About QuickTime.”