Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 821

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Part I

Media and Project Management


Enable or disable the following alert message options:

 Do not show External A/V Device Warning when device not found on launch: Select this

option to turn off the alert message when selected devices cannot be found during
application startup.

 Do not show warning when audio outputs are greater than Audio device channels: When

selected, this option disables the following message: “The selected external audio
device does not support N outputs. Unsupported outputs will be ignored during
playback on this machine.” This message appears when you assign more audio output
channels to a sequence than the currently selected audio interface in the Audio/Video
Settings window can support. For more information about setting audio outputs, see

Working With Multiple Audio Output Channels

” on page 61.

To enable “audio follows video” switching for video and audio outputs:


Choose View > Video Playback, then select a video output from the submenu.


Choose View > Audio Playback > Audio Follows Video, and make sure that the option is
enabled (indicated by a checkmark).

With the Audio Follows Video option enabled, you can now select a video interface and
the corresponding audio interface or device is selected automatically.

Tip: If you don’t see your audio interface appear in the list of audio outputs, choose
View > Refresh A/V Devices, then try to select your output again.

Setting Monitoring Levels and Muting System Sound Effects

When you mix your audio, it’s important to monitor using a consistent volume setting.
If a sound is too loud in the mix, you should adjust the level of the audio in
Final Cut Pro, not the volume on the speakers themselves. Once you set up your audio
monitoring levels, you should not need to adjust the overall volume of your audio very

If all of your audio is consistently too quiet or too loud, you should probably change
the overall volume setting for your speakers, and then keep it at this new level. There
are a few different places to adjust the volume, including the volume knob on the
speakers themselves.

If you are using the built-in audio output of your computer, you can adjust its volume
in the Sound pane of Mac OS X System Preferences or by using the volume control keys
on the keyboard.