Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1837

MPEG formats IV-228
MPEG I-frames II-55
MPEG standards IV-427
M stems III-181
multichannel audio I-253, I-287, I-291, I-292, IV-204,
multiclip grouping area II-259
multiclip icon IV-33
multiclip playback III-516, III-525
Multiclip Playback mode II-250, II-281–II-283
adding angles II-271
angle numbers II-251
in Browser II-266
collapsing and expanding II-250, II-286
creating II-253–II-255
deleting angles II-270
described II-79, II-247, IV-30, IV-31
dragging into Timeline II-144
editing II-274, II-282
exporting II-250
filters II-284
keyboard shortcuts II-274
limitations and requirements II-248
master-affiliate relationships II-286
as master clips IV-43
match frame commands II-287
media management II-288
Media Manager settings IV-86
motion parameters II-284
moving angles II-270
Multiclip Playback mode II-281–II-283
offline II-288
overlays II-269
playback quality II-283
recapturing II-288
reconnecting to media II-288
resynchronizing angles II-272
sequences II-257–II-266
speed adjustments II-284
switching angles II-275–II-281, II-285
synchronizing angles II-254, II-261
in Viewer II-267–II-273
workflow II-249–II-250
Multi-Frame Trim Size field IV-291
multiple camera shoots
multiclips and II-249
video switchers II-273
multiple clips, selecting II-182
Multiple Edits screen layout I-142, III-436, III-468
Multiply compositing mode III-364
Multi Spin Slide transition II-394, IV-142
multitrack audio recorders I-164
adding III-17
importance of III-22
mixing III-22
music scoring markers III-18
music stems III-181
tips for cutting III-179–III-180
tracks III-181
music, importing I-313
Musical Instrument Digital Interface. See MIDI
music synchronization II-311
music tracks IV-146
mute button III-70, III-80–III-81
mute control I-118
entire sequences III-73
mute controls III-79
system sounds III-34
tracks III-70
muting audio II-373
MXF-based formats I-311
Name field IV-316, IV-324, IV-336
Name option IV-273
Name property IV-31, IV-35, IV-49
angles II-269
audio filenames IV-154
audio tracks II-307
automatic filenaming I-273
clip names I-239, I-241
clips II-251, IV-17, IV-35, IV-316, IV-324
exported items IV-273
files IV-15
finding items by II-189
markers II-60, II-64
master clips IV-49
matching when reconnecting files IV-73
media files II-251, II-252
Media Manager settings IV-86
multiclips II-266
problems reading in Browser I-139
reel names I-240
reels II-251, II-252, IV-17
screen layouts I-143
sequence presets IV-336
transitions II-391
names of audio tracks III-69, III-70
narration. See voiceover
narratives I-241
National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) I-24
National Television Systems Committee format. See
NTSC format
native processing III-509
native speed, viewing III-333
native speed option II-75, II-442