Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 172

Chapter 13
Connecting DV Video Equipment and Specifying Initial Settings
To choose an Easy Setup:
Choose Final Cut Pro > Easy Setup.
If this is the first time you’ve opened Final Cut Pro, this window appears automatically
after opening the application.
Choose an Easy Setup from the Setup For pop-up menu.
To show all Easy Setups that are currently available, select Show All.
Note: To use remote device control via FireWire (so Final Cut Pro can control your
camcorder or deck), make sure you choose a device control preset that uses FireWire.
Both DV-NTSC and DV-PAL use a FireWire device control preset. For more information,
see Volume IV, Chapter 25, “Device Control Settings and Presets.”
When you’re ready, click Setup.
The selected Easy Setup applies to all new projects and sequences. Settings for existing
sequences do not change. For additional information about Easy Setups, see Volume IV,
Chapter 23, “Audio/Video Settings and Easy Setups.”
If this is the first time you’re setting up Final Cut Pro, you’ll now need to specify your
scratch disk.
Specifying Scratch Disks for Capturing Video
and Storing Render Files
A scratch disk is a hard disk, internal or external to your computer, where Final Cut Pro
stores captured digital video and audio, as well as rendered media files created during
editing. (Rendering is the process of creating temporary video and audio render files
for portions of your sequence that Final Cut Pro cannot play in real time.) By default,
Final Cut Pro uses the hard disk on which the application is installed.
You use the Scratch Disks tab in the System Settings window to choose where you
want to save the video and audio files that you capture, and the render and cache files
that Final Cut Pro creates. You can also specify other settings related to the size of
captured and exported files and the minimum space allowed on scratch disks.
Choose an Easy Setup
from the Setup For
pop-up menu.
Select Show All to see a
complete list of available
Easy Setups.
A summary of your
selected Easy Setup
appears below the pop-
up menu.