Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1854

background image



Spill Suppressor - Blue filter III-209, III-392
Spill Suppressor - Green filter III-209, III-392
Spin3D transition II-392, IV-142
Spinback3D transition II-392, IV-142
spindle speed I-181, I-185
Spin Slide transition II-395, IV-142
split editing IV-123
split edit points II-117, II-241–II-242
split edits IV-436

asymmetrical edits II-336
audio cuts and II-316–II-317
audio editing tips II-290
changing simple edits to II-240
clearing II-242
described II-237
examples II-243–II-246
modifying II-241–II-242
performing II-243–II-246
setting up II-239–II-242
split edit points II-239–II-240
in Viewer or Canvas II-238

splits IV-436
split screen display III-301, III-302, III-468
Split Slide transition II-395, IV-143
split stereo files III-46
spotlight effects III-367
spotting sessions III-18
spread, controlling with keyframes III-87–III-96,
spreadsheets I-300
sprocket holes I-72, II-428
square pixels III-340–III-343, IV-357
Squeeze and Stretch transition II-395, IV-143
Squeeze transition II-395, IV-143
S sounds III-157
standard columns I-60
standard definition video. See SD video
standard definition video formats IV-352, IV-369
standard element timing IV-195
Standard screen layout I-142
standing waves III-27
Star Iris transition IV-142
Start/End Percentages slider II-401
start/stop metadata I-273
Starting option for timecode II-448
starting points for filters III-190, III-194
starting timecode II-262–II-264, II-448, II-449
starting timecode delta II-259, II-262
“Starting timecode delta” option II-259
Starting Timecode field I-124
Starting Timecode number field II-449
Star transition II-393
Start Time setting IV-130
startup disks I-183
static regions II-137–II-139, IV-436
status of voiceover recordings III-140

Status option IV-273
stem mixes III-19, IV-152
stereo audio III-44–III-46

channels IV-152
choosing in presets III-62
described IV-436
guidelines III-96
levels III-55–III-56
music IV-146
number of output channels III-20
output channels III-87
overview III-65–III-66
pan III-21
stereo pairs IV-436

stereo audio channels I-254
stereo effects III-96
Stereo Grouping buttons IV-343
Stereo Mixed option IV-157, IV-339
Stereo output IV-253
stereo pairs I-120, I-288, I-290, I-291

adjusting levels III-84
creating II-309–II-310
described II-235
filters and III-159
nested sequences II-419
output channels and III-88
paired track names II-307
pan and III-115, III-117
panning II-293
separating II-310
settings III-115
waveforms II-297

stereo pan III-21, III-71, III-96, III-132–III-134, IV-150
stereo systems I-211
Still/Freeze Duration field IV-288
Still Cache III-516
still cache settings IV-297
still frames III-516, IV-141
still images

See also graphics

still image icon IV-33
still images I-306, I-316

See also graphics
adding camera motion to III-348–III-352
alpha channels III-344
bit depth III-339
clips IV-30
color settings III-343
duration of III-347
exporting III-336, IV-246, IV-261–IV-263
flattening layers III-344, III-349
freeze frames III-336
importing III-368–III-370
overview III-335
pixels and III-338–III-343
in QuickTime files IV-229