Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1858

Auto Select controls I-114, II-191–II-193
Canvas and I-109
changing pan in III-117
clips in II-94, II-295
color-coding and II-212
copying and pasting clips II-202–II-205
currently selected items II-175–II-177
customizing display II-134–II-139
cutting clips in II-213–II-215
deleting items in II-206–II-208
described I-109, IV-438
deselecting items in II-183
displaying the keyframe area III-286
display options I-122–I-131
dragging audio clips to II-301
dragging files to I-309
drag-to-Timeline editing II-141–II-143
drop frame timecode I-124
duplicate frames indicators I-130–I-131
duration of clips in II-217
editing in II-274
editing multiclips in II-274
filter bars I-127, III-164, III-199, III-283, III-285
filters III-164
finding items in II-188–II-189
illustrated I-44
In and Out point settings II-108–II-117
jumping to locations in I-132
keyframe area III-283
keyframe editor I-128, III-164, III-284, III-286
keyframe graphs III-283–III-285
keyframes III-97, III-111
labels for clips II-212
layering clips in III-357
linked clips II-220
Linked Selection button II-227
linking items in II-225–II-226
locking tracks in II-132–II-133
looping audio tracks III-94–III-95
markers in I-94, II-54–II-55
match frame operations II-433
merged clips in II-50
motion bars I-127, III-285
moving and resizing window I-139
moving clips within II-66, II-196–II-199
mute control I-118
navigating in I-112–I-117, I-131–I-138
navigating with timecode II-355
opacity levels III-359–III-378
opening sequences in I-111
overview I-112–I-122
playback options IV-212
playhead in I-84, I-116, I-138
positioning playhead in IV-212
preferences IV-293
recording from IV-208, IV-211–IV-213
recording to tape directly IV-179
render bars III-519, III-535
replacing clips from In point II-161
resizing text labels I-139
resizing tracks II-135–II-136
ripple edits II-330, II-332–II-333
roll edits II-340–II-341
ruler I-115
screen text size IV-287
scrolling in I-137–I-138, II-137–II-139
scrubbing sequences in I-132
selecting clips in II-180–II-188, II-190, II-349–II-350
selecting edit points II-349–II-350
sequence clips I-122
sequences in II-86, II-87
setting destination tracks II-128
settings II-89–II-91
showing clips in III-382
slide edits II-321–II-324
slipping clips II-325–II-329
snapping in II-195–II-196
solo control I-118
Source and Destination controls II-127–II-131
speed indicator area III-319
speed indicators I-119, I-128, III-164, III-284,
speed settings III-318–III-319
starting timecode number I-124
static regions for tracks II-137–II-139
switching to Canvas or Viewer II-429
synchronizing playhead with Viewer II-434–II-437
tabs I-49
Track Height control II-136
transitions in II-377, II-378, II-386–II-388, II-404,
transparency effects III-358–III-378
trimming clips in II-346, II-351–II-352
unused area I-115
variable speed settings III-318
working with Canvas and I-111
zoom controls I-116
zooming view of I-116, I-133–I-134, II-299, II-306
Timeline Options tab I-123–I-128, II-449, IV-293,
Time Mode pop-up menu II-75
Time Remap attribute III-316
Time Remap parameter III-222, III-332
time remapping IV-438
adjusting keyframes in the motion bar III-328
compared to constant speed III-312
described III-311
Motion tab settings III-332
parameter III-222, III-332
Time Remap tool III-323–III-327
tools III-318–III-333
understanding III-307, III-315–III-318