Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1848

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asymmetrical trimming II-336–II-338
clips with transitions II-388
closing gaps II-207–II-208
indicators in Trim Edit window II-364
performing II-207–II-208, II-332–II-333, II-370
rippling multiple tracks II-336
sync relationships and II-334
tips II-338

Ripple filter III-206
Ripple tool II-329
rippling clips. See insert edits, ripple edits
roll editing IV-432
roll edits

changing transition location II-408
clips with transitions II-388
indicators in Trim Edit window II-364
performing II-338–II-343, II-370
rolling multiple tracks II-342
tips II-343
transition bar and II-401

Roll tool II-338, II-340
room noise III-136
room shape, audio and III-27
room tone II-290, II-313–II-316, III-177, IV-146, IV-432
Rotate filter III-212

controls III-197
motion parameters III-220
rotating clips III-238, III-241

rotation handles III-238
rotation value IV-432
rotoscoping IV-432
rough cuts I-19
rough editing IV-432
rough edits

drag-to-Timeline editing II-141
steps in II-93–II-94

RS-232 connectors I-194, I-206
RS-232 device control IV-328, IV-329, IV-330
RS-422 connectors I-194, I-206
RS-422 device control IV-182, IV-188, IV-325, IV-328,
IV-329, IV-330
RT-11 disks IV-131
RT Extreme

capabilities III-509
codecs III-517
display quality III-517
external video monitoring III-515
Play Base Layer Only feature III-514
record settings III-528
Safe RT mode III-512
settings III-521–III-528
unlimited real-time playback III-513
video output III-528

RTF files I-304, IV-408
RT pop-up menu I-120, III-522, III-523–III-524, IV-181

RTP Payload Encodings option IV-255
ruler IV-432

positioning playhead with I-132
in Timeline I-115
in Transition Editor II-400
in Viewer II-294

rulers III-194, III-254
run-length encoding IV-365


S/PDIF digital audio I-201, I-205
S/PDIF optical connector IV-320
Safe RT mode III-512, III-515, III-523
sample clocks I-297
sample rate conversion IV-284
Sample Rate options IV-160
sample rates II-90, IV-160, IV-254, IV-257

audio interfaces III-24
audio-only capturing IV-322
capture presets IV-321
consumer audio I-205
conversion IV-284
converting I-314
digital audio III-47
DVD audio IV-219
exported audio IV-156
imported video I-311
mismatched IV-407
overview I-313–I-315
sample rate conversion III-538
sampling, described IV-433
sampling ratio IV-362
sequence presets IV-338
settings III-33
video formats IV-350, IV-361
voiceover III-142

samples per line in video frames IV-355
SAN (storage area networks) IV-18, IV-433
SATA disks I-185
Sat control III-477
Sat slider III-447, III-456
saturation I-331, IV-433

adjusting III-447
adjustments to III-456
broadcast safe controls III-487
Chroma Keyer filter III-397
comparing in Waveform Monitor III-428
controlling III-477
described III-419
enabling or disabling III-426
font color III-501
oversaturation III-452, III-457

saturation controls III-447, III-456–III-457
Saturation slider I-328, III-456
Save All command I-33