Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1831

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Level keyframe navigation buttons II-293
level keyframe navigation buttons III-122
level keyframes IV-150

deleting III-98
modifying III-96
recording III-90
recording with control surfaces III-106

level overlay II-292, III-116

audio III-19, III-21, III-40
average and peak levels III-51
instrument levels III-30
line levels III-30
mixing III-18
monitors III-34
signal levels III-26

Levels attribute III-120
Levels filter III-207
Level slider II-293, III-115
Levels of Undo setting II-73, IV-282
LFE (low-frequency effects) III-20
lift editing IV-424
lift edits II-206–II-207
Lighten compositing mode III-366

color temperature III-461
keying and III-389

Limit Data Rate to N KBytes/sec option IV-320
Limit Effect controls

color against grayscale effects III-482
color correction III-476–III-478
description III-435
examples of using III-479–III-483
hue matching III-471
multiple filters and III-478

Linear command III-280
linear cross fades IV-159, IV-160
linear editing IV-18, IV-119, IV-424
linear time in time graph III-329
Line In setting IV-321
line levels III-30

per frame IV-356
in video frames IV-355

Link command II-226
linked clip items I-119, II-146
linked clips IV-424

audio-video sync II-219–II-220
dual system audio recordings II-236
multiple audio items linked to video II-223–II-224
selecting II-180

linked selection

editing audio and II-301
ripple edits and II-334
turning off II-336
Viewer tabs II-218

Linked Selection button I-119, II-227, II-302, II-347
linked selection option IV-424
link indicators I-119, IV-424
Linking button IV-425
linking items

audio channel pairs II-235
breaking links II-226
clip items to merge II-50
in Timeline II-224–II-226
video and audio items II-225–II-226


broken IV-65
between clips and source media IV-65
linking items IV-424

list view I-61, I-62–I-66
LiveType FontMaker III-504
LiveType titles III-503

keyboard shortcut layouts I-144, I-151
screen layouts I-144

Load option IV-252
Load Sequence Preset button IV-345
locked bin icon IV-34
locked items

pen tools and IV-292
presets IV-306
tracks IV-425

Locked option IV-257
locked tracks II-132–II-133, II-210, II-347
locking items

keyboard shortcut layouts I-145
playheads in multiple windows I-85

Lock Track control I-113, II-132, II-210, II-347, IV-425
log and capture buttons I-229
Log and Capture window IV-425

batch captures I-266–I-268
controls in I-77, I-92
logging I-243
marking controls I-232
Preview area I-230, I-242
settings I-229–I-234
transport controls I-231

logarithmic sliders III-196
Log Bin button I-245
Log Bin controls I-245
Log Clip button I-234, I-245
Log Clip dialog I-256
logging angle numbers II-249
logging bins I-245–I-246, IV-425

adding clips to I-256
batch capturing and I-265

logging columns I-60
logging process

batch capture lists I-300
benefits of I-238
capturing media while logging I-256, I-270