Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1825

background image



frequency ranges

described III-38, III-39
equalization and III-152, III-153

frequency response III-25
fringing around keyed subjects III-391, III-400
front, moving clips to III-357
FT (Flesh Tone line) IV-421
FTP sites IV-61
full-resolution media

capturing IV-18
importing into OfflineRT sequences IV-57
media management and IV-17
recapturing IV-79

full-screen preview I-217
fuzzy still images III-337
FXScript language III-186, III-195, III-489


gain I-292–I-294, I-331, IV-421

adjusting frequency ranges III-154
reducing III-155
voiceover III-142

gain control I-289
gamma IV-421
gamma correction III-207, III-517, III-528
Gamma Correction filter III-207
gamut III-551
ganged playheads IV-422
ganging playheads I-85, II-434–II-437
Gang playhead sync option II-435, II-436
gaps II-209–II-211, IV-422

closing with ripple edits II-207
creating with lift edits II-206–II-207
editing clips into II-171–II-172
matching In and Out points II-115

gaps, audio III-177
gaps in timecode. See timecode breaks
Garbage Matte filters

alpha channels and III-186
Eight-Point Garbage Matte filter III-210, III-404
example of using III-404–III-407
Four-Point Garbage Matte filter III-404
irregular cropping and III-402
keyframing III-406
unkeyable elements and III-392

Gaussian Blur filter III-203
“gearing down” II-199, II-348
gearing down IV-422
general preferences II-73
General tab II-73, IV-282
generator clips

creating III-493
keyframe controls III-253

Generator pop-up menu I-74, I-86

adding to a sequence III-489–III-494
creating clips III-493
described I-72, IV-422
dragging to clip controls III-199
fonts and III-496–III-499
graphical generators III-491–III-493
included with Final Cut Pro III-498–III-499
selecting I-86
settings I-77
text generators III-495, III-498–III-499
titling generators III-498–III-499
Y´CbCr color space and IV-25

generic edits in EDLs IV-129
genlocking devices IV-286, IV-322, IV-371

audio devices I-205, I-294
genlock connectors I-207
professional equipment I-207
video interfaces I-197

GIF files IV-235
GIF format I-306
Glossary IV-409–IV-443
Good option I-241, I-250
Good property IV-37, IV-49
good shots, marking I-250
Good Take label II-212
Go to In Point button IV-191
Go to Next Edit button II-365
Go to Out Point button IV-191
Go to Previous Edit button II-365
Gradient generator III-492
Gradient Wipe transition II-394, II-395, IV-143
graphical generators III-491–III-493

See also still images
adding camera motion to III-348–III-352
alpha channels III-344, III-371
bit depth III-339
broadcast video and III-343
compositing III-356
computer vs. video III-343
distorted III-340–III-343
duration of III-347
enlarging low-resolution graphics clips III-338
exporting QuickTime-compatible formats IV-246
file formats IV-235
flattening layers III-344, III-349
graphics clips IV-30
graphics overlays IV-167
importing I-306, I-316
line art III-345
in low-resolution sequences IV-57
overview III-335
Photoshop files III-368
pixels and III-338–III-343
real-time playback III-516
resolution III-338–III-340