Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1828

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replace edits II-160–II-166
resetting II-118, II-119
reviewing II-107
ripple edits II-329, II-408–II-409
roll edits II-338
selecting clips and II-116
sequence clips II-429
setting I-80, I-89, I-95, I-247, II-105–II-106, II-108–
II-117, IV-201
slipping II-120
split edits II-237–II-242, IV-123
split In and Out points II-117
synchronizing angles in multiclips II-254
synchronizing for merged clips II-47
three-point editing II-149, II-169
in timecode I-107
timecode breaks and I-281
timecode settings II-106
transitions and II-384
trim edits II-345, II-348–II-350, II-362

Include Angle checkboxes II-253, II-260
incoming clips II-346, II-362, II-368, II-400, IV-423
incrementing numbers I-249
independent clips I-309, II-41, II-430, II-433

broken master-affiliate relationship IV-45
compared to master-affiliate clips IV-42
creating IV-46
described IV-32, IV-46
Media Manager processes and IV-89

In point property IV-37, IV-50
In points. See In and Out points
input audio meters III-55
input audio settings III-141
input capture presets IV-319
Input Channels pop-up menu I-288
input frames III-315
input ports I-160, III-24, III-101
Input setting IV-317, IV-321
Insert Edit button IV-203
insert editing IV-187, IV-200–IV-203, IV-423

blacking tapes and IV-183
described IV-186, IV-187
editing to tape IV-178
mini-DV devices and IV-199
performing IV-200–IV-203
previewing IV-187
requirements IV-188

insert edits I-90

angles in multiclips II-271
avoiding nested sequences II-425
copying clips II-415
described II-152
keyboard shortcuts II-152
performing II-143–II-145, II-154–II-155
in Timeline II-143

Insert Tracks dialog II-125

insert with transition edits I-90, II-152, II-155–II-156,
Inset Wipe transition II-395, IV-143
In Shift indicator II-368
installing items

After Effects filters III-202
control surfaces III-100
Easy Setups IV-313
hardware IV-301
presets IV-313

Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) IV-423
instrument levels III-30
“Insufficient content for edit” message II-113, II-161,

amplitude III-38
measuring III-40
in Vectorscope III-429

interchange formats. See project interchange
interface cards. See video cards
interface sounds, muting III-35
interlaced video I-164, I-210

reducing flicker III-214
still images and III-337

interlaced video scanning IV-350, IV-358, IV-359,
IV-367, IV-379, IV-423
interleaved audio I-291
interleaved stereo files III-46
internal disks I-184
International Telecommunications Union
(ITU) IV-423

See also websites
audio output and IV-253
streaming QuickTime files over IV-255
streaming video over IV-255

Interview label II-212
interview scenes II-238
In to Out option IV-212
Invert filter III-204
inverting chroma keying III-398
Invert Selection button III-478
invisible tracks II-133–II-134, IV-291
iPhoto image libraries I-320
IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers) IV-423
IRE units I-324
iris transitions II-393, II-394
Item Properties dialog IV-35
Item Properties window I-36, II-82–II-83, II-446,
II-448, III-375
ITU (International Telecommunications
Union IV-423
ITU-R 601 specification IV-357
ITU-RBT 601 color standard III-552