Learning to read the waveform monitor – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1214

Chapter 20
Color Correcting Clips
 Include Black: This option is available in the Histogram only. Turning this option on
scales the Histogram’s height to include the blacks in the picture. Turning this option
off scales the height, ignoring the blacks. You may want to turn this option on if there’s
a lot of black in the clip you’re viewing, to help you get a clearer profile of all the whites
and blacks in the clip. You may turn this option off if you’re performing compositing
tasks, such as placing a small image against a black background, in which case it’s
unnecessary to view the excess black information because you know it’s there.
 Magnify: This option is available in the Vectorscope only. Turning this option on
zooms in on the inner 55 percent of the Vectorscope’s display, letting you see more
detail in images with low saturation.
 Targets: This option displays the ideal targets you use to calibrate a video signal
generated by color bars. These targets can be disabled, if necessary.
 High, Medium, Low, or Off: You can set the scale brightness of the video scopes to High,
Medium, or Low, depending on which option makes the most comfortable contrast
against the video waveforms displayed. Choose Off to turn the scales off completely.
Learning to Read the Waveform Monitor
The Waveform Monitor shows you the relative levels of brightness and saturation in the
clip currently being examined. These values are displayed from left to right, mirroring
the relative distribution of these levels from the left to the right of the image in the
frame. Spikes or drops in the displayed waveforms make it easy to see where the hot
spots or dark areas are in your picture.
This dip in the
waveform matches
the position of
the dog.