Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1853

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Sony RS-422 protocol IV-329
Sony Video Disk Units I-312
Sony VISCA protocol IV-329
sorting items

bins II-27–II-28
in Browser II-27–II-28
clips II-26, II-27–II-28, II-99
clips in EDLs IV-126
importance of IV-15
sequences II-27–II-28

SOT (Sound On Tape) IV-435

See also audio
sound beds III-17
sound cues III-142
sound effects III-17, III-18, III-179
sound effects tracks III-181
sound waves III-38

sound. See audio
sound bytes IV-435
Sound Designer II format I-305, I-313, IV-53, IV-236
sound effects IV-146, IV-435
Sound On Tape (SOT) IV-435
sound recordists IV-435
Sound Settings dialog IV-152
soundtracks IV-435
Source, Audio Merged option IV-126
source capture presets IV-319
source clips I-113, I-276, II-113
Source control I-113
Source controls

disconnecting II-129–II-130, II-147
resetting II-131
in Timeline II-127

source frames

sliding to new times III-326
variable speed settings and III-325

source media IV-435

breaking links to IV-65–IV-67
Media Manager operations and IV-95
reconnecting clips to IV-68–IV-74

Source Media File command II-433
source media files II-37, II-433

See also media files

source monitors I-97, IV-435
Source pop-up menu III-68, III-76
Source property I-35, II-80, IV-40, IV-42, IV-49, IV-66
Source tab IV-320
source tapes IV-435

adjusting I-328–I-329
described I-36
in EDLs IV-120
reel names IV-136, IV-137–IV-138

Source TC checkbox II-448
source time II-75, II-443, II-445
source timecode II-440

source timecode tracks II-442
Space bar I-98
Space bar shortcut II-366
spaces in button bars I-155
spacing, text III-502
sparse XML IV-169
spatial compression IV-320
speakers I-160, I-164

amplified speakers III-35
configuring III-32
dynamic range III-25
external III-23, IV-403
frequency response III-25
monitoring audio on III-16
number of III-20
passive III-26
placement III-27
problems with IV-403, IV-407
quality III-25
self-powered III-26
signal levels III-26
television speakers III-58
volume settings III-35

special characters in clip names IV-17
special characters in filenames I-38
special effects IV-211, IV-435
speed, processing

rendering and III-534
scratch disks and III-523

Speed dialog III-314
speed effects IV-159
speed indicator area III-319
speed indicators I-119, I-128, III-164, III-284, III-320–
III-323, IV-435
speed of clips

clip duration and III-308
constant speed III-311, III-314
copying settings III-289
fit to fill edits and III-309
Frame Blending III-312
graphical displays in Timeline III-318–III-319
keyboard modifiers III-325
in motion paths III-278
multiclips II-284
native speed II-75
reverse speed III-312
settings III-307–III-333
smoothing slow motion with Motion Blur III-313
speed indicator area III-319
speed indicators III-320–III-323
timecode and II-442, III-333
time remapping and III-222, III-323–III-333
variable speed III-311, III-315, III-318–III-333

speed of clips, varying I-101
speed of scratch disks II-283
speed settings IV-89, IV-141