Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1800

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synchronized audio I-296
syncing with video. See audio-video sync
timecode I-108, I-294
tracks. See audio tracks
transferring to timecoded media I-296
trim settings and IV-291
unrendered III-524, III-529, III-537, IV-211
voiceover. See voiceover
voices. See voices

Audio/Video Settings window I-213, IV-301–IV-303,
IV-306–IV-313, IV-316, IV-324
audio/video sync (A/V sync)

genlocking and IV-286
preferences IV-286
problems with IV-403–IV-404

Audio Attributes option III-163
Audio capture checkbox I-288
Audio CD Data format I-305
Audio CD format IV-236
audio CD format I-23, I-313, I-315
audio channels

discrete audio II-296
inadequate I-215
multiple channel capture I-205
nested sequences II-419
output channels III-20
overview III-61–III-66
recording as QuickTime media files I-254
sequence settings and II-90
stereo pairs I-120, II-235, II-297, II-309–II-310
viewing multichannel clips I-291

audio clip icon IV-33
audio clips

See also clips; video clips
adding to sequences II-93, II-96
applying filters to III-161–III-163
audio-only angles II-268
audio postproduction and IV-53
audio-video sync II-219–II-224
automatic filenaming I-273
average loudness III-52
avoiding overlap of IV-150
backtiming II-112, II-169, II-172–II-173
boundaries II-217
capturing I-285–I-297
clip names I-239, I-241, I-249–I-251, I-263
color-coding II-212
controls I-126
copying I-57
copying and pasting II-202–II-205
copying to other sequences II-413, II-414–II-417
currently-selected II-176
cutting II-213–II-215
deleting I-58
described I-28, II-78, IV-30, IV-412
deselecting II-183

displaying in Transition Editor II-404
dragging to Browser II-301
dragging to Timeline II-131, II-141–II-147
duration II-106, II-217, II-354, II-408–II-409
editing II-169–II-170, II-295–II-308
editing multiple clips II-142–II-143
exporting to EDLs IV-161
filenames I-241, I-263
filters II-284
ganging playhead II-436
handles I-248, I-266, II-101, II-378, III-150, IV-160
heads and tails II-378
In and Out points I-80, I-95, I-232, I-247, II-98,
II-101–II-106, II-115, II-116, II-169, II-169–II-174,
II-290, II-300
incoming and outgoing II-346, II-362, II-367,
II-368, II-400
independent clips I-309, II-41, II-430
jogging through I-102
keyboard shortcuts II-298, II-300
keyframes I-80, I-95
labels I-119, I-139, II-23–II-26
levels III-83
linked I-119
linked items II-146, II-180, II-220, II-223–II-224
logging I-237, I-249–I-251, I-256–I-257
looping playback I-103
markers I-80, I-95, I-252, II-54, II-57, II-59
marking while logging I-251–I-252
matching video for I-80, I-95
media files and I-35–I-37, I-276
media files for II-28, II-83
merged clips I-35
merged clips. See merged clips
modifying timecode in II-446–II-449
moving II-66, II-196–II-199, II-355, II-356
moving clips between tracks II-307–II-308
moving playhead I-93
multichannel clips I-291
muting II-373
naming conventions II-251
in nested sequences II-419, II-420–II-421
notes about I-250
offline/online editing flow and IV-52
offline clips I-36, II-79
opening I-72–I-73, I-98, II-295, II-301, II-354, II-428
organizing II-15–II-26, II-142–II-143
overlays I-125, II-305
pan adjustments III-71, III-87–III-89
pasting audio attributes III-162–III-163, III-287–
peak markers II-56
peaks III-52
playback quality IV-283
playing I-77, I-92, I-98, I-101–I-102
playing in Trim Edit Window II-373–II-374