Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1856

linking items II-224
marking clips as in sync II-233
merged clips II-226
multiple audio items II-223–II-224
out-of-sync indicators II-220–II-222
reasons for breaking sync II-233
resyncing clips II-228–II-232
ripple edits and II-334
selecting linked items II-227
tips II-290
unlinking items II-226
sync signals I-297
Sync Time column II-253, II-259
synthesized clips. See generator clips
System 7 Sound format I-305, IV-236, IV-247
System Settings window IV-294–IV-300
system sounds III-34
tabbed windows I-49–I-50
tabs, described IV-437
tagging elements with XML IV-164
tail clips IV-437
tail slates II-254
tails of clips II-378
tape-based linear editing suites IV-60
tape coatings IV-351
tape size IV-351
tape-to-tape color correction III-416
tape-to-tape editing IV-185, IV-437
“Tape Trouble” message I-178
Targa codec IV-28
TARGA format I-306
Targa format IV-235, IV-437
Target Video Track Only setting IV-126
TC property IV-40, IV-49, IV-138
TC Rate item property II-448
technical support I-11
telecines IV-437
telecine transfers III-414–III-416
television I-209
television broadcast dynamic range III-58
television sets III-421, III-517
television speakers III-58
temperature, color III-461
temporal compression IV-320
terminators I-186
font choices III-345
fonts III-496, III-501
spacing III-502
titling III-495
tracking III-502
text files I-300
text generators IV-167
overview III-495
types of III-498
text labels in Browser and Timeline I-139
text size in Browser IV-287
text tracks IV-221, IV-229
TGA format I-306, I-316, IV-235
third-party audio interfaces III-24
third-party capture cards IV-59
third-party interfaces
audio interfaces I-204
settings I-214
uses for I-191
video interfaces I-195
described II-97
Edit Overlay and II-151
examples II-169–II-174
In and Out points II-108, II-169
overview II-149–II-152
performing edits II-153–II-168
sequence In and Out points II-114
types of II-152–II-153
Threshold parameter III-155, III-156
Threshold setting IV-290
through edit indicators I-126, II-216
through edits I-126, IV-139
in multiclips II-278
removing II-216
Thumbnail Cache setting IV-297
Thumbnail property IV-32, IV-40, IV-50
thumbnails IV-438
cache for IV-297
clip display I-124
displaying I-64
hiding I-65
poster frames I-69
scrubbing through I-65, IV-297
thumb tabs I-115, IV-438
.tif extension IV-272
TIFF format I-306, I-316, IV-228, IV-230, IV-235,
IV-261, IV-272, IV-438
available capture time I-230
listing for batch captures I-266
timebase (video rate) II-448, II-449
timecode I-25–I-26, IV-383–IV-389
24 @ 25 timecode II-451
60 fps timecode II-451
60 @ 30 timecode II-441
absolute and relative values II-355
accuracy of IV-136
analyzing in media files IV-111
audio I-108, I-294
audio from non-timecoded sources IV-161
auxiliary timecode II-47
batch capturing and I-262