Track strips area, Er (see – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 857

Part I
Media and Project Management
Track Strips Area
In a typical audio mixer, each channel has a corresponding channel strip with level and pan
controls. In the Final Cut Pro Audio Mixer, each track in your sequence has a corresponding
track strip with mute, solo, pan, and audio level controls. If a track’s Track Visibility control is
turned off in the Track Visibility area, its track strip does not appear here. If an audio track is
disabled in the Timeline, that track’s track strip controls are dimmed.
The Track Strips area includes the following controls:
 Track name: Corresponds to the audio track in the current sequence (or in the Viewer).
 Mute button: Click to turn off audio playback for that track. The same mute control is
available in the Timeline. Use the mute button to quickly mute or unmute a track
while your sequence plays. For example, if you want to briefly compare what your
audio mix sounds like with or without the track, you can use the mute button while
the sequence plays.
Muting a track does not delete pan or audio level keyframes, nor does it prevent fader
automation. Muting tracks only affects playback; muted tracks are still output during
Print to Video and Edit to Tape operations, or during export to audio or movie files.
Note: To prevent a track from being printed or edited to tape, or output to exported
video and audio files, you need to disable the track in the Timeline. For more
information, see Volume II, Chapter 8, “Working With Tracks in the Timeline.”
 Solo button: Click to mute all tracks that don’t have solo enabled. Use the solo button
to listen to a track isolated from the others. For example, if you click the solo button
on track A1, all other audio tracks are muted. If you enable the solo button on A1 and
A2, both A1 and A2 play back, while all other tracks are muted.
Tip: Option-clicking a track’s solo button will solo all of the tracks. Option-clicking a
solo button that is already highlighted will turn off all of the tracks’ solo buttons.
Soloing tracks only affects playback; soloed tracks are still output during Print to
Video and Edit to Tape operations, or during export to audio or movie files.
Solo button
Mute button
Track name
Panning slider
Track level meter