Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1815

background image



data rates

analog video equipment IV-318
capture presets IV-318, IV-320
comparison chart IV-369
described IV-416
scratch disks IV-284
target rates for compression IV-251

data transfer rates I-180
DAT devices I-164, I-205, I-294, I-313
dates in filenames I-39
DAT format I-23
DAWs (digital audio workstations) IV-158, IV-416
daylight III-461
DB9 connectors I-194, I-206
dBFS measurements III-41, III-53
dBm measurements III-41
dBu measurements III-41
dBv measurements III-41
DCT encoding IV-365
deacceleration in time graph III-331
“dead” rooms III-27
decibels III-38, III-40, III-58–III-60
decibels (dB) IV-417
decibel units III-41
decks. See video decks
decompression process IV-417
Default Film Standard pop-up menu II-75, II-441
default keyboard shortcuts I-144, I-145
Default Timecode pop-up menu I-244
De-Interlace filter III-214
deinterlacing filters III-214, III-337
delay time in echoes III-158
Delete Point tool II-133
Delete Tracks dialog II-126
deleting items

angles II-270
clips II-203, II-206–II-208
control surfaces III-101
customized keyboard shortcuts I-150
Easy Setups IV-310–IV-311
favorite filters III-173
favorite transitions II-391
filters III-202
filters from clips III-166
found items II-34
handles IV-85
In and Out points II-120
items in Browser I-58
keyframes III-121, III-126, III-172, III-260, III-275
layers in Photoshop files III-370
limiting, in Media Manager IV-90
logging information I-250
markers II-60, II-61
master clips IV-45
Media Manager settings IV-84, IV-87–IV-88
offline media files IV-67

preferences file IV-293, IV-311
presets IV-309
render cache files I-113
render files III-561, IV-26
scratch disks I-174
sequences II-86
shortcut buttons I-155
split edits II-242
static regions II-139
in Timeline II-206–II-208
tracks from sequences II-126
transitions II-385
unused media II-42, IV-78
unused portions of clips IV-103
volume keyframes III-112

DePopper audio filter III-18, III-157
Depth setting for capture IV-320
Desaturate Highlights filter III-205, III-435, III-437,
Desaturate image filter III-207
Desaturate Lows filter III-205, III-435, III-437, III-483–
desaturating colors III-392, IV-417
Description field I-250, IV-316, IV-324, IV-336
Description property IV-32, IV-37, IV-50
deselecting items II-183
Destination controls I-113

disconnecting II-129–II-130, II-147
in Timeline II-127–II-131

Destination option IV-274
destination track controls IV-191–IV-192, IV-417
destination tracks II-127–II-131, IV-417

assigning II-128
changing assignments II-129
disconnecting II-129–II-130
drag operations and II-146–II-147
selecting in Timeline II-131
source clips and II-131
superimpose edits and II-131

destructive editing processes II-43
device control

audio capture I-294–I-295
audio settings I-286
batch capturing and I-262
camcorders I-277, IV-328–IV-329
capturing video I-270
capturing video without I-277
checking for IV-310
connectors I-194
consumer devices I-198
described IV-417
editing to tape and IV-183, IV-196
establishing I-206
FireWire IV-329–IV-330
Log and Capture window controls I-231
multiple decks and I-178