Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 735

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Part III

Fine-Tuning Your Edit

The ruler displays a close-up view of the frames surrounding the transition in your
sequence. The ruler and playhead in the Transition Editor are locked to those in the
Timeline. The time scale of the ruler can be changed by using the Zoom In and Zoom
Out tools or pressing Command-+ (plus) or Command-– (minus).

Outgoing and Incoming Clip Handles
A transition that appears as two overlapping clips on the same track in the Timeline is
represented differently in the Transition Editor. The outgoing clip and its Out point
appear on the top track, the incoming clip and its In point appear on the bottom track,
and the transition itself appears on a track between the two.

Both the Out point of the outgoing clip and the In point of the incoming clip are
handles that you can drag to perform ripple edits, modifying the edit points of these
clips in your sequence in the Timeline. (A ripple edit adjusts the length of a clip by
changing the In or Out point of the clip. Ripple edits do not cause gaps in your edited
sequence. For more information, see “

Doing a Ripple Edit to Adjust the Length of a Clip

in a Transition

” on page 408.)

Transition Bar With Start, Stop, and Edit Handles
The transition appears as a bar with start and end points that you can drag. Depending
on the alignment of your transition, the edit point appears to the right, in the center, or
to the left of this bar.


Outgoing clip

Incoming clip

Edit point in the center
of the transition bar

Transition bar with the

start point being moved