P. 491) – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1278

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Chapter 21

Using Built-in Generated Clips



Graphical Video and Audio Generators Available
in Final Cut Pro

Not sure what each generator does or how to use it? See the table below.



Usage information

Bars and Tone

Generates reference video color bar
and tone for NTSC systems.

For more information, see Volume I,
Chapter 23, “Using Color Bars for
Video Calibration.”

Bars and Tone (PAL) Generates reference video color bar

and tone for PAL systems.

For more information, see Volume I,
Chapter 23, “Using Color Bars for
Video Calibration.”

Bars and Tone HD


Generates reference video color bar
and tone for HD video formats.

For more information, see Volume I,
Chapter 23, “Using Color Bars for
Video Calibration.”

Color (Matte >

Generates a frame of solid color.

 The Color control allows you to

specify the color.

 You can create colored backgrounds

behind other layered clips in a

 Color mattes can be used as

containers for special effect filters
that create visual images. In
conjunction with filters such as the
Mask Shape, they can be used to
create different shapes as design
elements or as track matte layers.

 Other interesting effects can be

obtained by limiting these
generators to shades of gray and
using them with the track matte
composite mode, or with filters that
perform luma key operations.

Custom Gradient
(Render > Custom

Generates a gradient layer that you
can customize.

 A pop-up menu allows you to specify

a linear or radial gradient.

 The Start control allows you to set

the point in the frame where the
gradient begins.

 The Gradient Direction angle defines

the gradient’s direction, and a slider
controls the gradient’s width.

 Two color controls let you define the

start and end colors of the
generated gradient.

 The Dither and Gaussian checkboxes

allow you to modify the quality of
the gradient you create.