Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1763

audio clip A media clip containing audio tracks.
audio meter A meter that lets you monitor audio output levels from your computer.
You use the audio meters in Final Cut Pro when you capture, mix, and outputting your
Audio Mixer A tab in the Tool Bench window. The Audio Mixer is the primary tool in
Final Cut Pro for mixing multiple channels of a program’s audio in real time.
audio track A track in the Timeline into which you can edit audio clip items.
Audio Units The standard real-time audio filter format for audio applications running
on Mac OS X.
Auto Render A feature that allows Final Cut Pro to render open sequences whenever a
specified number of idle minutes have passed.
average loudness The average audio level in decibels. Determines the apparent
volume of an audio signal to a listener.
averaging meter A meter that displays the average audio level. Unlike peak meters,
which always show the exact level of an audio signal including every peak, averaging
meters have weighted ballistics so that they give a more readily apparent
representation of the average loudness of an audio signal.
AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) Microsoft’s older standard format for digital video.
axis The pitch, roll, and yaw of a camera shot determines its axis. In an edited
sequence, the axis can be used to determine visual continuity from shot to shot.
back light A light source that comes from behind and above the subject. It outlines
the subject and differentiates it from the background. Also called a rim light.
batch capture A process in which previously logged clips’ media is captured from a
VTR or camcorder to your hard disk. The timecode in each clip is used to automatically
cue source tapes, using remote device control, to the location of each clip.
batch compression A process in which multiple clips or sequences are automatically
compressed to new media files, without manually overseeing each one.
batch list A tab-delimited text file that contains information about offline clips that
you want to capture and use in your project. Batch lists can be exported from or
imported into your Final Cut Pro project file. After you import a batch capture list into
Final Cut Pro, your project contains a series of offline clips, one for each entry in the
batch capture list. You then need to recapture or reconnect the clips to their media.
batch recapture A process in which you recapture, at a higher resolution, the parts of
logged clips that you actually use in your sequences. Helps to conserve disk space.