Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1824

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flattening audio IV-150
flattening layers in images III-344, III-349, III-369
FLC files IV-246
Flesh Tone line III-430, IV-421
flesh tones I-328–I-329, III-412, III-430, III-464, III-474
flicker IV-358, IV-379
Flicker filter III-214
floating audio meter III-57
floating audio meters III-55, III-57
Flop filter III-212

importing I-307–I-310
media files I-35
naming I-39

folders, EDLs and IV-136
Foley effects III-17, IV-146
fonts III-496–III-499

animating III-504
color III-501
readability III-496
selecting III-345, III-501

Forget Files list IV-75
Forget Render button IV-75
Format option IV-125, IV-263, IV-265, IV-274
Format option for timecode II-448
formats, changing II-90
formats. See file formats
Format tab II-83
For search option II-29
Forward option IV-213
Four-Point Garbage Matte filter III-210, III-404
fps (frames per second) I-25, II-443

capture presets IV-318
understanding frame rates IV-377

fragmentation IV-404
frame blending IV-341, IV-421

clip speed and III-312, III-314
in Motion tab III-332
rendering and III-557, III-563

Frame Blending option III-312, III-314
frame boundary indicators III-301
frame counter (FF) II-439
frame delay offset settings I-218
Frame Offset field I-220
Frame Rate menu IV-341
Frame Rate option IV-250
frame rates II-90, II-440, IV-250

capture presets IV-317, IV-318
choosing IV-381–IV-382
compared to timecode IV-385
described I-25
dynamic real-time playback and III-511
Easy Setups and IV-56
editing timebase IV-335, IV-345
EDL export considerations and IV-138
flicker and IV-379

imported files I-311
limiting IV-380–IV-381
OfflineRT format IV-55
QuickTime files IV-231
real-time effects and III-510, III-525
recaptured clips I-268
rendering and III-558
sequence presets IV-337
sequence settings IV-341
understanding IV-377–IV-378
video formats IV-350, IV-358
XML elements for IV-168

Frame Rate setting for device control IV-326
frame remapping III-315

blending III-312, III-314
close-up view II-400
described IV-421
dropped. See dropped frames; long frames
duplicate I-126, I-129
duplicate detection IV-288
frame counts II-441
freeze frames IV-210, IV-212, IV-213, IV-288
moving one frame at a time I-103
moving playhead to II-62, II-63
Out points and II-103
playing all I-100
playing back IV-213
poster frames I-64, I-69
size III-341
sliding to other times III-323
still frames IV-141
trimming by II-362
video image dimensions I-24

frame size

QuickTime and IV-252
sequence presets IV-336
settings IV-316, IV-336

Frame Size property IV-37, IV-50
frames per second (fps) I-25, II-440
frames per second. See fps (frames per second)
Frames per second option IV-263, IV-265, IV-319
Frame Viewer

customizing contents of III-301
displaying images in III-300
display options III-302
opening III-300
uses for III-299
using the split screen III-302

free space I-181–I-183, I-230
freeze frame icon IV-33
freeze frames I-320, IV-43, IV-48, IV-210, IV-212,
IV-213, IV-288

creating III-336
in time graph III-330

frequency IV-421