Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1790

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Tool Bench A window in Final Cut Pro that contains interface elements that you can
use to supplement information displayed in the Viewer and Canvas. The Tool Bench can
contain up to five tabs—Audio Mixer, Frame Viewer, QuickView, Video Scopes, and
Voice Over.

Tool palette A window in Final Cut Pro that contains tools for selecting, editing,
zooming, cropping, and distorting items in the Timeline. All tools in the Tool palette
can also be selected using keyboard shortcuts.

track header The area in the patch panel that contains controls for each track.

tracks Layers in the Timeline that contain audio or video clip items in a sequence. Also
refers to the separate audio and video tracks on tape or within media files. Final Cut Pro
allows up to 99 video and 99 audio tracks to be used in a single sequence.

track strips In the Audio Mixer, each audio track in the currently selected sequence is
represented by a track strip, complete with solo and mute buttons, a stereo panning
slider, and a volume fader.

Track Visibility control A control at the very beginning of each track that you click to
enable or disable a track. Disabled tracks don’t play in the Canvas or on an external
monitor, nor will they be rendered or output to tape. When a track is disabled, it
appears darkened in the Timeline, but its contents remain in your sequence and you
can still edit them.

Transition Editor A specialized editor that appears in the Viewer when you double-
click a transition in the Timeline. You can use it to make detailed changes to a
transition’s timing and effects parameters.

transitions Effects that are applied to edit points to smooth out a change from clip to
clip. In Final Cut Pro, you can choose from a variety of video transitions, such as a
dissolves or wipes, or you can add an audio cross fade between audio clips.

trimming (1) Precisely adjusting and defining the In and Out points of a clip. (2)
Modifying an edit point in the Timeline by moving it earlier or later. (3) Fine-tuning an
edited sequence by making small adjustments to many edits.

Trim Edit window A window in Final Cut Pro that displays both sides of an edit point.
For example, if Clip A cuts to Clip B, the Out point of the Clip A is shown on the left and
the In point of Clip B is shown on the right. You can use this window to adjust the edit
point between two clips very precisely, frame by frame.

two shot A scene that includes two people in the frame.