Methods for output to tape in final cut pro, P. 178) – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

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Part III


Methods for Output to Tape in Final Cut Pro

There are three main ways you can output your video from Final Cut Pro to tape:

 Edit to Tape
 Print to Video
 Recording to tape directly from the Timeline

Edit to Tape
The Edit to Tape command supports both assemble and insert editing, which are two
forms of traditional videotape editing (these are not related to overwrite or insert
editing in the Timeline). The Edit to Tape command requires device control to remotely
start and stop the VTR. For more information about assemble and insert editing, see
Chapter 14, “

Assemble and Insert Editing Using Edit to Tape

,” on page 185.

Edit to Tape is the only command that supports insert editing. Use this option when
you are creating a master tape from a Final Cut Pro online system, when you want to
replace a single shot on a preexisting master tape, or when you want to replace specific
tracks (such as several audio tracks) on tape.

Print to Video
In most cases, the Print to Video command doesn’t use device control, so it is useful
when your deck can’t be controlled remotely (such as a VHS deck). You can’t specify
timecode In and Out points for recording on the tape, so you can’t use this method for
output to a precise location on your tape. You also can’t choose which audio or video
tracks are recorded on tape—they are all recorded.

Note: Some camcorders and VTRs can be triggered to record automatically as soon as
you begin the Print to Video operation. You need to connect a FireWire (for DV) or RS-
422 device control cable between your computer and video deck to use this option.

The Print to Video command allows you to begin recording wherever the tape is
currently cued, and without timecode accuracy. You also can’t set a precise Out point
on the tape, so there is almost always a break in the video signal on tape at the Out
point after recording. To avoid your movie cutting off abruptly as soon as it ends, you
should include some black after your program, either by adding slug to the end of your
sequence or by including some trailing black, which is an option available in the Print
to Video dialog.

If you don’t require a precise In or Out point on the tape, then Print to Video is
generally the best option. You can even use Print to Video with a completely blank
tape, since it doesn’t require timecode or video signal information from the tape before
it begins recording. Unless you need to output your video to a specific timecode
number on tape, or replace a shot on a tape that already has video on it, Print to Video
should suit your needs.