Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1849

background image



Save Normally option I-318
Save option IV-252
Save Project command I-33
Save Window Layout command I-143
saving items IV-20–IV-23, IV-285

autosave feature II-77
favorite transitions II-390
files II-77
keyboard shortcut layouts I-144, I-151
projects I-33, II-73
QuickTime movies I-318
screen layouts I-142
shortcut button bars I-156
track layouts II-137

saving render files III-562
Scale Attribute Times option III-163, III-288
scale handles III-238
Scale slider III-220
Scale to Sequence command III-339, III-346
scale value IV-433
scaling items

clips III-240
graphics III-339, III-342
images and clips to match sequences III-345

scaling Timeline to fit window I-137
scanned images I-320
scanning methods

high definition video formats IV-367
video formats IV-350, IV-358

SCART connector IV-373
scene numbers I-250
Scene property IV-39, IV-49
scenes IV-433
scoring markers II-56, II-60, II-62, III-18, IV-243
scratch disks

consolidating project files IV-104
data rates IV-284
described IV-433
free space I-230
heat buildup I-184
managing render files III-559
performance and III-515
preferences I-171–I-174, I-179, IV-294
preparing for batch capture I-263
removable media I-181
removing I-174
selecting I-234, I-235
separating audio and video I-173
setup I-161
speed of III-523
types of I-184–I-188

Scratch Disks dialog I-272
scratch disk speed II-283
Scratch Disks tab I-171–I-174, I-179, IV-294
Screen compositing mode III-364
screen layouts I-48, I-51, I-141–I-144, III-423

screen text size IV-287
scripts IV-25, IV-433

logging process and I-259
in moviemaking process I-15


through audio clips II-299
through tracks II-137–II-139
in Timeline II-137–II-139
in Viewer II-268

Scrolling Text generator III-499
scrolling through clips III-262
scrolling through sequences I-137
scrubber bar I-74, I-78, I-89, I-93, I-100, II-294, II-297,
II-365, III-304, IV-433
scrubbing IV-297, IV-433

audio scrubbing II-300
in clips I-67, I-100
in sequences in Timeline I-132
in thumbnails I-65
turning off II-300

Scrub tool II-273
Scrub Video tool I-67, IV-433
SCSI cables I-186
SCSI disk drives I-186–I-187
SCSI interface cards I-186
SD (standard definition) video III-340, III-342, III-349
SD2 format IV-53, IV-236
SD format IV-27, IV-356
SDI format I-330, IV-372
SDI inputs I-210
SDI-to-Composite converters I-210
SDTI (Serial Digital Transport Interface) IV-372
SD video

connectors I-194
Final Cut Pro support I-22
non-square pixels I-82
previewing on external monitors I-211

Search command II-29
Search Folders tab IV-295
searching for items. See finding items
Search option II-29
SECAM format I-24, IV-352, IV-433
seek time I-181, I-185
Select All command II-188
Select All Tracks Backward tool II-180
Select All Tracks Forward tool II-180
Select Auto-balance Color button III-472
Select Color button III-478
Selected Items in Logging Bin option I-265
selecting items

all clips in sequence II-188
all clips on tracks II-185
Auto Select controls II-191–II-193
clips in Timeline II-180–II-183
current selections in Timeline II-175–II-177
deselecting II-183