Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1289

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Part II

Project Interchange

 Origin: Origin refers to the center of the text. The definition of the Origin determines

where the text appears within the screen.You can position the text by clicking the
Point Select (+) button, and then manually adjusting the Origin (shown as a tiny +
indicator) within the Canvas or Viewer. Or, you can enter horizontal and vertical
values in the Origin number fields.

It’s often easiest to make large adjustments manually with the Point Select button
and then fine-tune the position by making numerical changes to the horizontal and
vertical fields. The most visual way to position the text is to tear off the Viewer tab,
click Point Select, and then drag the text to position it in the Viewer.

Note: Once you release the mouse button, you have to click the Point Select button
again if you want to make further manual adjustments.

 Tracking: Use the slider to adjust the space between letters, or enter a value in the

number field.

 Leading: Use the slider to adjust the space between lines of text, or enter a value in

the number field.

 Aspect: Use the slider to adjust the proportion of height versus width of your

selected font, or enter a value in the number field.

 Auto Kerning: Select the Auto Kerning checkbox to kern your text automatically so

that the spacing between the individual letters of your text is correct.

 Use Subpixel: Use the Use Subpixel control to render your text with subpixel accuracy.

Once you’ve created your text generator clip, you can add it to your sequence. For
more specific information, see Volume II, Chapter 6, “The Fundamentals of Adding Clips
to a Sequence.”