Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1867

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Voice Over tab III-139
Voice Over tool III-135–III-150, IV-441

controls III-139–III-142
defining the destination track III-145–III-147
defining the recording duration III-143–III-144
memory requirements III-139
opening III-139
using to correct for latency III-138, III-141

voiceover tracks III-181, IV-146
voices III-22, III-40, III-152

See also audio
adjusting III-21
adjusting computer’s volume III-35
adjusting for clips II-293, III-113, III-115–III-116
audio clips III-19
changing in Timeline III-128–III-129
speaker settings III-35

V-split button III-301
V tracks IV-121, IV-139
VTR mode IV-180
VTRs (video tape recorders)

analog I-198
connecting I-164, I-196
external monitors and I-211
non-DV devices I-200
timecode window I-300

VTRs (videotape recorders) IV-441
VU meters IV-441
V Wipe transition II-396, IV-143


Warn After Capture option I-280

audio output channels III-34
device control status I-177
disabling I-215
external A/V devices not found III-34
non-optimized media I-312
timecode breaks I-280

warnings. See alert messages
Wave filter III-206
WAVE format I-305, I-313, IV-53, IV-151, IV-228,
IV-230, IV-272, IV-441
waveform displays I-75, I-125
Waveform Monitor III-390, III-424, III-426, III-427–
III-428, IV-441
waveform monitors I-160, I-323, I-325–I-328

audio levels and III-51
in audio tracks II-304
color III-426
displaying III-110
dynamic range III-43
navigating through II-297–II-306

scrolling through II-299
waveform display II-134, II-291, II-292, II-294

wavelet compression IV-365
.wav extension IV-272
website for FXScript effects language III-186

See also Internet
Apple I-11
AppleCare Knowledge Base IV-401
AppleCare Support IV-408
Final Cut Pro I-11
FireWire IV-330
QuickTime websites IV-231
still images IV-261

Whirlpool filter III-206
white alpha channel III-372
white balancing IV-441
white levels IV-441
White Level slider I-327
whites I-323

color balance in III-445
in luminance III-420
maximum whites III-344, III-555
rendering and III-551

Whites auto-balance button III-445
Whites Balance control III-454
whitespace (XML) IV-166
Whites Reset button III-454
Whites Select Auto-balance Color button III-454
Whites slider III-446, III-447, III-456
white value IV-26
Widescreen filter III-186, III-211
widescreen format IV-442
widescreen monitors IV-399
Wind Blur filter III-203
window burns I-301, II-445, II-452, IV-332, IV-370,
window dubs I-301, IV-119, IV-332

See also specific windows
activating I-44, IV-285
moving I-50
moving and resizing I-139
overview I-43
screen layouts I-48, I-51, I-141–I-144
tabbed windows I-49–I-50

Windows systems IV-151
wipe pattern IV-442
wipes II-375, II-376, II-384, II-395–II-396, IV-122
Wipe transition II-394
wipe transition codes IV-142
wireframe handles III-240–III-243
Wireframe mode IV-442
wireframe modes III-236–III-238

Alpha+RGB mode III-237
Alpha mode III-237