Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1793

widescreen Any movie presentation that has an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. In movie
theaters, 1.85 is considered standard and 2.40 is considered widescreen. For video, 4:3 is
considered standard and 16:9 (which is almost the same aspect ratio as 1.85) is
considered widescreen. See 16:9.
window burn Visual timecode or keycode information superimposed onto video
frames. It usually appears on a strip at the bottom or top of the frame, providing
timecode information to the editor without obscuring important details of the picture.
wipe A transition in which a geometric or grayscale gradient is used to transition
between two different clips.
wipe pattern One of several standard SMPTE wipe transitions recognized by EDLs.
Because the EDL format continues to reflect the simplicity of older systems, many
Final Cut Pro transitions have no equivalent in a given EDL format. Therefore, during
the EDL export process, these new transitions are automatically mapped to the closest
approximate SMPTE standard wipe pattern.
Wireframe A view of the outline of a clip’s video frame. Clips in the Viewer and Canvas
can be viewed in Wireframe mode.
x Refers to the x coordinate in Cartesian geometry. The x coordinate describes
horizontal placement in motion effects.
xmeml Abbreviation for eXtensible Media Editing Markup Language. The custom set of
markup tags used by the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format.
XML Abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a method of storing
information in an easily accessible yet customizable file format. XML files are plain-ASCII
text files used by Final Cut Pro for data exchange among different applications and
operating systems.
Xsan Software for clustering multiple hard disk RAIDs together into a storage area
network (SAN). Multiple computer systems can read and write to the shared storage
area simultaneously, allowing several editors to work in parallel using the same media
y Refers to the y coordinate in Cartesian geometry. The y coordinate describes vertical
placement in motion effects.
The color space in which many digital video formats store data. Three
components are stored for each pixel—one for luma (Y) and two for color information
for the blue difference signal and C
for the red difference signal). Also referred to
as YUV.