Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1851

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parent sequences II-418
playback options IV-212
playing I-77, I-92
presets IV-302, IV-344–IV-345
prompting for new settings IV-285
reconnecting to media IV-79
renaming I-58
render files for III-561
rendering III-539–III-540, III-544–III-545
rendering process and II-90, II-410–II-411
rendering transitions in I-121, III-536
render settings III-556, IV-340
rerendering IV-243
scrolling through I-137
scrubbing I-132
searching for items in II-188–II-189
selecting all clips in II-188
selecting for Media Manager IV-79, IV-94
sequence order in Browser II-98–II-100
setting In and Out points for I-80, I-95
setting keyframes for I-80, I-95
setting markers for I-80, I-95
settings II-73, II-89–II-91, IV-344–IV-345
sorting II-27–II-28
tabs in Timeline I-112
Timeline settings IV-340
transitions and II-375–II-384, II-388, II-404–II-405,
updating earlier versions of IV-28
video processing settings III-549–III-553
video rates in II-450

Sequence Settings window I-123–I-128, II-307,
II-449, IV-153, IV-344, IV-345
sequential track names II-307
serial ATA disks I-185
serial cables IV-329
serial device control I-199

calibrating timecode IV-332
described IV-330
guidelines IV-334
Protocol setting IV-325
using IV-330–IV-331

Serial Digital Interface (SDI) format IV-372
Serial Digital Transport Interface (SDTI) IV-372
serial port adapters I-206
“Servo Can’t Lock” message IV-405
Set Default Transition command II-390
Set Logging Bin command I-246
Set Marker button I-251
Set Marker In button I-251
Set Marker Out button I-252

See also preferences; presets; specific settings
audio I-75
AVI QuickTime files IV-258–IV-259
Batch Capture dialog I-264–I-266, I-267–I-268

batch exports IV-270–IV-274
camcorder IV-180
clips I-325–I-328
clip speed III-314
described IV-294
device control IV-183, IV-196
device control presets IV-324–IV-327
Easy Setups II-89
Edit to Tape IV-189–IV-195
EDL export IV-124–IV-125, IV-125–IV-130
EDL import IV-133
effects I-76, III-532, IV-300
external editors IV-298
external monitors I-213–I-215
filters I-76
Filters tab III-192–III-195
frame offsets I-220
generators I-77
image sequences IV-264–IV-265
imported video I-311
Internet streaming IV-255
keyframing III-253–III-262
labels II-23–II-26
memory and cache IV-296–IV-297
motion I-76, III-218–III-235, III-244–III-247
OMF audio IV-160
paste attributes III-201
playback quality IV-297
presets IV-306
QuickTime IV-249–IV-255
QuickTime sound IV-253–IV-254
QuickTime video IV-249–IV-253
rendering III-549–III-558
scratch disks IV-294
search paths IV-295
sequence presets III-549–III-553, IV-335
sequences II-73, II-89–II-91, IV-344–IV-345
system III-532
System Settings window IV-294–IV-300
thumbnail cache IV-297
timecode II-447–II-448
Timeline II-89–II-91
Timeline recording IV-212
transitions II-404
Trim Edit window II-364–II-368
video decks IV-180
video filters III-192–III-195
video processing III-553–III-556
Video Processing tab III-549–III-553
Y´CbCr color space III-549–III-553

Settings button IV-270–IV-273
Settings option IV-249, IV-274
Setup (black level) I-325
setup in postproduction process I-18
SGI format I-306, IV-235, IV-434
shadows, detail in III-459