About item-level render bars, Item render status bars – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1325

Part III
About Item-Level Render Bars
An audio clip item in the Timeline may display an individual render bar within the clip
itself; this indicates that the audio clip requires resampling, or sample rate conversion, to
match the current sequence audio settings. A green bar indicates that an audio clip
item is being resampled in real time, while a blue-gray render bar indicates that an
audio clip item has been individually rendered so that real-time audio resampling is no
longer necessary. Once an individual audio clip item is rendered, the clip item refers to
the render file instead of the original media file.
Item Render Status Bars
The color of the render bar in each audio clip indicates whether that item needs
sample rate conversion. An audio item’s real-time playback state is not indicated.
There are two advantages to item-level (audio clip item) rendering:
 Reduces the CPU demands for audio, leaving more processing power for other effects.
 When you move the audio clip item to other tracks or locations in the Timeline, the
clip item does not lose its connection to the render file. This means you don’t have to
rerender the audio clip each time you move it.
Audio render bars in
the Timeline indicate
audio tracks that
have been mixed
down (all tracks
mixed together).
Blue-gray indicates
that this audio item
has been rendered.
Green indicates that
this audio item
requires rendering.
Render state
Indicates audio items that require sample rate conversion.
Indicates audio items that have been individually rendered and
require sample rate conversion.