Part iii fine-tuning your edit – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 344

Timeline Audio Display Options
Zooming In and Out of Waveforms in the Timeline
Moving Audio Items From One Track to Another at the Same Frame
Using Audio Transitions to Smooth Audible Changes
Creating or Separating Stereo Pairs
Working With Audio at the Subframe Level
Subframe Synchronization of Audio and Video
Examples of Ways to Easily Edit Audio
Example: Replacing Unwanted Audio With Room Tone
Example: Fixing Awkward Audio Cuts in the Timeline
Performing Slip, Slide, Ripple, and Roll Edits
About Trimming With Slip, Slide, Ripple, and Roll Tools
Performing Slide Edits by Dragging
Performing Precise Slide Edits Numerically
Slipping Clips in the Timeline
Performing a Slip Edit Using the Slip Tool
Performing Precise Slip Edits Numerically
Using the Ripple Tool to Trim an Edit Without Leaving a Gap
About Ripple Edits and Sync Relationships of Clip Items on Other Tracks
Doing Ripple Edits on Multiple Tracks at Once
Asymmetrical Trimming With the Ripple Tool
Using the Roll Tool to Change Where a Cut Occurs
Rolling the Position of an Edit Between Two Clips
Controls That Affect Trim Edits
Selecting Edits and Clips to Trim
Tools for Selecting Edit Points
Selecting Multiple Edit Points
Trimming Clip In and Out Points
Trimming With the Selection Tool