Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1817

Document Type Definitions (DTDs) IV-166, IV-168
Dolby Digital AC-3 format IV-219
Dolby Digital sound III-20, III-58
DOS file format IV-131
dots per inch (dpi) measurements III-339
double-byte characters IV-132, IV-136
double-sided logarithmic sliders III-196
downconverting HD video I-212
Downmix control III-73
downmix control IV-157, IV-339
described IV-418
exporting IV-154, IV-156
outputting all channels as stereo III-73
to stereo mixes III-64
Downmix pop-up menu IV-343
dpi measurements III-339
dragging files to Timeline I-309
dragging items
clips in Timeline II-197
“gearing down” II-199
Option-dragging II-202
sequences II-88
Drag hand II-294, II-301
Drag handle II-399
drag hand tool II-144
drag-to-Timeline editing
adding tracks II-146–II-147
described II-97
overview II-141–II-143
drives. See hard disks, scratch disks
Drop Frame option I-124, IV-130
drop frame timecode II-440, IV-121, IV-130, IV-383–
IV-389, IV-418
in batch lists I-301
indicator I-104
overview I-26, I-124
selecting I-244
dropouts IV-351
dropped frames
See also long frames
A/V sync and IV-403–IV-404
data rates and IV-284
data transfer rates and I-180
during playback IV-286
EDLs and IV-121
marking long frames IV-113
mixdown audio and III-530, III-546
number of tracks and III-529
playback drops IV-182
in real-time effects III-523
reporting IV-182, IV-286
troubleshooting I-184
Drop Shadow parameter III-219, III-221
drop shadows IV-418
D stems III-181
DTDs (Document Type Definitions) IV-166, IV-168
D-to-A converters III-24
DTS format IV-219
dual mono audio I-290
dual mono channels
adjusting levels III-84
adjusting pan III-88
choosing in presets III-62
identifying III-45
overview III-65–III-66
panning slider III-87
dual system recording IV-419
dual system video and audio II-45
dubbed tapes I-258, I-301
Duplicate as New Master Clip command IV-43
duplicate clip names I-263
Duplicate command II-87
duplicate frame indicators IV-140, IV-290, IV-419
duplicate frames I-126, II-391
duplicate frames detection IV-288
duplicate frames indicators I-130–I-131
duplicate timecode II-439
duplicate timecode numbers I-257–I-259
duplicating. See copying
audio transitions II-390
clips II-217, II-367, III-347
clip speed settings and III-308, III-314
described IV-288, IV-419
in EDLs IV-122
elements IV-195
gaps II-211
incoming clips II-368
markers II-67–II-68
merged clips II-48–II-49
nested sequences and II-422
sequence clips II-218
setting specific clip duration II-106
still images III-347, IV-288
subclips II-40
three-point editing tips II-169
transitions II-386–II-387, II-407
variable speed settings and III-332
voiceover III-143
duration, limitations on I-115
Duration Calculator IV-195, IV-210
Duration property IV-32, IV-37, IV-50
DV-100 format. See DVCPRO HD format
DV 25 format
DV-25 format IV-369
DV audio IV-320
DVCAM codec III-517
DV camcorders IV-329