Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1818

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DVCAM format IV-175, IV-187, IV-366, IV-419

Final Cut Pro support I-22
FireWire DV interface and I-192

DV codec III-24, III-517
DV codecs

QuickTime-compatible IV-233
types of IV-231

DVCPRO 100 format IV-419
DVCPRO 25 codec III-517
DVCPRO 25 format IV-366
DVCPRO 50 codec III-517
DVCPRO 50 format IV-175, IV-233, IV-366, IV-369,

data rates I-180
Final Cut Pro support I-22
FireWire DV interface and I-192

DVCPRO format IV-175, IV-187, IV-356, IV-419

Final Cut Pro support I-22
FireWire DV interface and I-192

DVCPRO HD codec III-517
DVCPRO HD FireWire protocol IV-329, IV-330
DVCPRO HD format III-552, IV-175, IV-197, IV-231,
IV-233, IV-366, IV-368, IV-419

Final Cut Pro support I-22
FireWire DV interface and I-192
previewing on external monitors I-212

DVCPRO HD option I-214
DVD-authoring applications IV-222
DVD chapter markers II-54
DVD format IV-356

audio streams for IV-218
authoring applications IV-222
chapter and compression markers IV-220
compliant sources IV-224
creating IV-215–IV-219
creating video for IV-217
described IV-419
exporting sequences for IV-215
lines per frame IV-356

DVD Studio Pro II-60

converting movies IV-216
creating DVD-compliant sources for IV-224–
exporting items for IV-223
markers IV-243

DVD-Video compliant formats IV-216
DV format family

DV format IV-366, IV-419
format choices IV-175
fuzziness in clips IV-406
lines per frame IV-356
list of formats IV-366
output requirements IV-177
sequence presets for IV-59

DV formats

See also uncompressed digital video
audio channels I-292
black levels I-330
color bars and I-322
creating subclips I-273–I-275
data transfer rates I-180, I-182
equipment setup I-160
external monitoring I-211
Final Cut Pro support I-22
FireWire connections I-165
FireWire DV interface and I-192

DV NTSC codec IV-28, IV-233
DV PAL codec IV-28, IV-233
DV Start/Stop Detection I-273
DV Stream files IV-175, IV-231, IV-232, IV-246,
DV timecode IV-182, IV-328
DV Time option IV-326
DV-to-analog converter box I-200
dynamic microphones III-136
dynamic mixing IV-150
Dynamic playback option III-525
dynamic range IV-419

audio III-25, III-43
controlling III-58–III-59
Dolby, videotape, and television III-58

dynamic real-time playback III-511, III-563
dynamic real-time playback options II-283
dynamic trimming II-362, II-366, II-369
Dynamic Trimming checkbox II-366
Dynamic Trimming option IV-291


Ease In/Ease Out command III-280
Easy Setups II-89

anamorphic video IV-396
copying IV-311
customizing IV-304, IV-309
described I-161
editing IV-304
External Video settings IV-180
making unavailable IV-310, IV-311
Offline RT Easy Setups IV-56
presets and IV-304
removing IV-310–IV-311
restoring original IV-311
selecting I-235
selecting different presets in IV-305
third-party IV-313
video formats and I-24
working with IV-303–IV-304

Echo filter III-157
edge code II-440
Edge Feather parameter III-220
Edge Feather slider III-233