Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1862

background image



unused media II-29, II-42

deleting IV-78
described IV-16
Media Manager settings IV-84
removing with Media Manager IV-97

Up button in Log Bin controls I-245
Update button for markers I-252
Update button for multiclips II-260
updating external output I-222
updating older projects IV-25–IV-28
updating software I-11
USB audio interface I-203
USB hubs I-195, I-206
USB-to-serial adapters I-195, I-206
USB video interface I-194
Use Deck Search Mechanism option IV-327
used media II-29
Use In/Out option IV-274
Use Item In/Out option IV-273
Use Logged Clip Settings option I-265
Use Overlapping Timecode option II-259, II-265–
User Preferences window II-73, IV-281–IV-293,
user-programmable timecode IV-137
Use Starting Timecode option II-259, II-262–II-264


V1 tracks IV-139
V2 tracks IV-139
validating XML documents IV-166
variable speed IV-440
variable speed settings

adjusting keyframes in the motion bar III-328
compared to constant III-312
described III-311
in the Motion tab III-332
Time Remap parameters III-222, III-332
Time Remap tool III-323–III-327
tools III-318–III-333
understanding III-307, III-315–III-318
using the Time Graph III-329–III-331

VCR mode IV-180, IV-330
VCRs (videocassette recorders) IV-440
VDUs (Video Disk Units) I-312, IV-440
Vectorscope III-424, III-427, III-429–III-430, IV-440
vectorscopes I-160, I-321, I-323, I-325–I-329, I-331
velocity IV-440
velocity. See speed of clips
velocity handles III-279, III-280, IV-440
Venetian Blind Wipe transition II-396, IV-143
ventilation I-188
verbose XML IV-169
versions of projects, reopening IV-23

vertical interval timecode (VITC) IV-326, IV-331,
vertical ranges of clips II-190
vertical scroll bars I-115
VHS systems

described IV-440
output IV-176
printing to VHS tape IV-213
requirements IV-177


analog I-24
aspect ratio I-24
basics III-418–III-421
bit depth III-550
calibration I-321
capture presets IV-317–IV-318
capturing synchronized audio I-296
color bars I-321
display quality I-221
dual audio recordings and II-236
file formats I-305
fonts and III-345
formats II-90, III-388
frame rates I-25
image dimensions I-24
importing I-305, I-310–I-312
interlaced IV-423
latency I-220
letterbox video IV-393, IV-399
levels I-325
line art and III-345
linking items II-224–II-226
matching for clips I-80, I-95
matching for sequences I-80, I-95
M-JPEG I-180
monitoring during logging process I-242
non-interlaced IV-427

See also progressive video scanning

optimizing streams I-312
playback IV-406
problems with IV-403–IV-404
quality of IV-370
QuickTime-compatible IV-245–IV-247
QuickTime settings IV-249–IV-252, IV-317–IV-318
split edits II-238
standards I-24
stuttering IV-406
superimposed video III-378
syncing with audio. See audio-video sync
tape formats I-22–I-25
timecode I-108
tracks. See video tracks
uncompressed I-180, IV-233

video artifacts. See artifacts
“Video card not supported for RT Effects”
message IV-403