Generating timecode window burns, P. 452) – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 787

Part III
Fine-Tuning Your Edit
Generating Timecode Window Burns
If you need to create a videotape or QuickTime movie that displays timecode directly in
the image (known as a timecode window burn, or window burn for short), you can use
the Timecode Reader or Timecode Generator filters. Both are located in the Video bin
inside the Video Filters bin in the Effects tab of the Browser.
Note: In versions of Final Cut Pro earlier than 4.5, timecode reading and generation
were contained in a single filter called the Timecode Print filter. Older projects that use
the Timecode Print filter will still function properly.
 Timecode Reader: This filter generates a visible timecode counter based on the video
frame rate (timebase) of the clip or sequence to which the filter is applied.
 Timecode Generator: This filter generates a visible timecode counter independent of
the timebase and timecode format of the affected clip (or sequence). For example,
you can apply a Timecode Generator filter counting at 24 fps while the affected
sequence has a timebase of 29.97 fps.
To generate a visible timecode “window burn,” you can apply the Timecode Reader
filter to individual clips or an entire sequence. For information on applying filters to
individual clips, see Volume III, Chapter 11, “Video Filters.”
To apply the Timecode Reader filter to an entire sequence:
Nest your original sequence within a second sequence with matching sequence settings.
For information about nesting sequences, see “
In the second sequence, apply the Timecode Reader filter to the nested, original sequence.