Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1103

Part II
Project Interchange
For example, consider the following examples when using a 300-frame clip:
 Instead of playing frames 1–300 from the clip’s media file, you can set time
remapping keyframes so that frames 300–1 play instead. This would appear as
reversed playback.
 You can repeat frame 1 from the clip’s media file for the entire 300-frame duration of
the clip. This would appear as a freeze frame.
 You can set keyframes so that frame 1 from the clip’s media file plays at frame 1, 150, and
300 of the clip. During playback, Final Cut Pro interpolates which media file frames to
play in between the time remapping keyframes, creating smooth speed changes.
To better understand how time remapping works, apply a variable speed adjustment to
a clip and then look at the Time Remap parameters in the clip’s Motion tab or in the
keyframe editor in the Timeline.
To apply a variable speed adjustment to a clip:
Select a clip in the Timeline.
Choose Modify > Speed (or press Command-J).
Choose Variable Speed from the pop-up menu, then click OK.
Two time remap keyframes are added; one to the first and one to the last frame of your
clip. Each keyframe has bezier handles, which cause the clip to ramp from slow to
normal speed at the beginning, and then from normal to slow at the end.
For information about viewing time remapping parameters, see “
Remapping Parameters Applied to Your Clips
Time remapping allows you to adjust two parameters: which media file frame is played
back (the y axis) and when during the clip the frame is played back (the x axis).
The Y Axis
The y axis represents the frame numbers of a clip’s media file. For example, if a clip’s
media file contains 300 frames, the y axis ranges from 0 (the first media file frame) to
299 (the last media file frame).
Note: This is true regardless of the In and Out points you set for the clip. Even if the clip
has an In point at frame 100 and an Out point at frame 200, the y axis of the clip starts
at frame 0 of the media file and goes to frame 299.