Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual
Page 86

User Guide
Allow Ruler Guides To Move
Select this option when you want ruler guides to be repositioned by the Layout
Adjustment feature.
Ignore Ruler Guide Alignments
Select this option when ruler guides are not well positioned for layout adjustment.
Objects will still align to column and margin guides and to page edges.
Ignore Object And Layer Locks
Select this option when you want the Layout Adjustment feature to reposition
objects that are locked individually, or locked as a result of being on a locked layer.
Numbering pages, chapters, and sections
Add page, section, and chapter numbering
Determine what kind of numbering you want to use for your document or book. For long documents, you can assign
chapter numbers. Each document can be assigned only one chapter number. If you want to use different numbering
within a document, you can define ranges of pages as sections; these sections can be numbered differently. For
example, the first ten pages of a document (the front matter) might use Roman numerals, and the rest of the
document might use Arabic numerals.
For a video on numbering pages, see
See also
“Number pages, chapters, and paragraphs in a book” on page 277
“Creating book files” on page 274
Add an automatically updated page number
You can add a page number marker to your pages to specify where a page number sits on a page and how it will look.
Because a page number marker updates automatically, the page number it displays is always correct—even as you
add, remove, or rearrange pages in the document. Page number markers can be formatted and styled as text.
Page number on master A (left) and page 5 based on same master (right)
A single InDesign document can contain up to 9,999 pages, but page numbers can be as large as 99,999. (For
example, you can correctly number a 100-page document that starts on page 9,949.) By default, the first page is a
recto (right) page numbered 1. Odd-numbered pages always appear on the right; if you use the Section Options
command to change the first page number to an even number, the first page becomes a verso (left) page.
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