Save changes (indesign) – Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


If you are working on an assignment package, return or forward the assignment package after checking it in.

See also

“Exporting content from InDesign” on page 609

“Managed files” on page 605

Check in managed content (InDesign)

Do one of the following:

Select the content in the layout and choose Edit > InCopy > Check In.

In the Assignments panel, select the content and choose Check In from the panel menu.

Check in managed content (InCopy)

Do one of the following:

Select the content in Layout view and choose File > Check In.

In the Assignments panel, select the content and choose Check In from the panel menu.

Note: You can undo the most recent changes before you check in content.

When you check in a file, the Available icon appears on the text or graphics frame in the InDesign layout, in the
InCopy Layout view, in the Assignments panel, and in the story bar (InCopy).

Save changes (InDesign)

As you work on content you have checked out, you can save your changes and update the file-system copy.

Do one of the following:

To save the selected content without saving changes to the InDesign document or any of its linked files, select the
content in the layout and choose Edit > InCopy > Save Content.

To save every content file checked out to you, choose File > Save. This type of save does not automatically update
assignment files or checked-out content files in InCopy. However, the checked-out files in InCopy will show the
Out Of Date icon

in the Assignments panel.

To save the InDesign document under a new name with links to any existing InCopy files, choose File > Save As.
This type of save creates a situation in which one or more InCopy files are linked to two InDesign documents.

To save a copy of the currently active document, choose File > Save A Copy. You can choose to give the copy a new
name and location with links to any existing InCopy files.

Note: If you are working with a file managed by a Version Cue Workspace, a separate Check In command is available.
The Version Cue Workspace feature is available as part of the Adobe Creative Suite.

See also

“Update content” on page 619