Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual
Page 527
User Guide
If the Tags panel does not contain tags with names identical to the XML elements you plan to import, create the
tags or load the tags from the XML file.
Tag the placeholder frame with the appropriate tag from the Tags panel. (When you tag a frame, any frames
threaded to it are assigned the same tag.)
If necessary, arrange or add elements in the Structure pane to match the elements and structure of the XML you
will be importing.
Create a placeholder table
You can import XML elements into a placeholder table as well as a placeholder frame. In a table, each cell is repre-
sented by an element. InDesign places XML content into the table cell by cell, element by element, starting from the
top left corner of the table, matching the element to the tagged cell. When creating placeholder tables, you must tag
the table as well as each cell in the table. (Merged cells are considered a single cell.)
Because InDesign doesn’t distinguish between rows and columns when importing, the number of columns in the
placeholder must match the number of columns in the imported content. Also, all the table cell elements must be
contained within a single table element. In other words, the cells are all sibling elements under the same parent.
Placeholder table (above) and flow of XML content into placeholder table (below)
Open the Tags panel (Window > Tags) and the Structure pane (View > Structure > Show Structure).
If the Tags panel doesn’t contain tag names identical to the names of the XML table elements you plan to import,
either load tags from an existing document or create the tags.
Note: At a minimum you must have tags for the parent element of the table cells, the table cells, and the element in which
the table will reside.
Create a table containing the appropriate number of columns for the XML content. You don’t need to create the
exact number of rows, as InDesign will add rows to the table if needed.
With an insertion point in the table, choose Table > Select > Table, and select the appropriate tag in the Tags panel.