Right-indent the last line of a paragraph, Use indent to here – Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual

Page 239

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User Guide


In most cases you’ll specify the negative equivalent of the value you entered in step 2; for instance, if you specified a
left indent of 2 picas, your first-line left indent will typically be –2 picas.

See also

“Create bulleted or numbered lists” on page 237

Right-indent the last line of a paragraph

You can use the Last Line Right Indent option to add a hanging indent on the right side of the last line in a paragraph.
This option is especially useful for right-aligning prices in a sales catalog.

Last line right indent


Type your paragraphs. In the last line of each paragraph, place the insertion point before the text to be indented,

and choose Type > Insert Special Character > Other > Right Indent Tab.


Select the paragraphs.


To create a right indent for paragraphs, specify a value (such as 2p) in the Right Indent field of the Paragraph panel

or Control panel.


To offset the right indent value for the text that follows the tab, type a negative value (such as -2p) in the Last Line

Right Indent field of the Paragraph panel or Control panel.

Use Indent To Here

You can use the Indent To Here special character to indent lines in a paragraph independently of a paragraph’s left
indent value. The Indent To Here special character is different from the paragraph’s left indent in the following ways:

Indent To Here is part of the text flow, as if it were a visible character. If text reflows, the indent moves with it.

When you choose Type > Show Hidden Characters, the Indent To Here character

is visible.

Indent To Here affects all lines after the line where you’ve added its special characters, so you can indent just some
of the lines in a paragraph.

When you choose Type > Show Hidden Characters, the Indent To Here character

is visible.