of Help 4
Acrobat. See Adobe Acrobat
activation of software 1
Adobe Acrobat
See also PDF files
comparing versions 478
presets for exporting to 475
structure tags 491
Adobe Bridge
about 93
Adobe Stock Photos and 334
Creative Suite color settings 439,
metadata in 98
Adobe Design Center 9
Adobe Help 2
Adobe Illustrator
creating layered PDF images 330
metadata in 97
pasting graphics into InDesign 330
working with images from 329
Adobe InCopy
See also InCopy content
InCopy LiveEdit Workflow plug-
ins 602
integrating with Adobe
InDesign 602
techniques for working in 602
updating content in 620
updating page layout 621
Adobe InDesign
converting 1.x/2.0 documents 93
exporting content to InCopy 609
integrating with Adobe
InCopy 602
metadata in 97
workflow issues 90
Adobe PageMaker
conversion issues 101
converting publications 92, 100
keyboard shortcuts 25
menu equivalents 627, 628, 629,
630, 631, 632, 633
Adobe Paragraph Composer 247
Adobe PDF conversion settings 475
Adobe Photoshop
See also PSD files
clipping images 389
controlling layers on import 343
import options for images 340, 341
importing PSD files 331
metadata in 97
trapping images 462
Adobe RGB color space 456
Adobe Single-Line Composer 247
Adobe Stock Photos 334
Adobe Version Cue
about 94
accessing commands in status
bar 21
Adobe Video Workshop 5
AI files
creating layered PDF 330
importing colors from 436
pasting 330
AI files. See Adobe Illustrator files
Align panel 378
characters on optical margin 226
multiple objects 379
paragraphs to baseline grid 227
text 227
text vertically in a frame 229
all caps. See case
alpha channels
See also clipping paths
cropping images 389
importing from Photoshop 331
wrapping text around 196
alternate glyphs
displaying 149
inserting 149
OpenType fonts 208
anchor points
about 298
adding or deleting 311
moving and nudging 310, 311
rules for adjusting 309
selecting 309
showing and hiding 300
types of 300
anchored objects
above line options 188
adding to type on a path 199, 203
creating 187
placeholders for 187
positioning 187, 191, 193, 194
releasing 194
resizing 194
selecting and copying 193
text outlines as 326
text wrap and 198
viewing anchors 193
anti-aliasing 34
arranging objects in stack 363
arrowheads 318
ASE files
saving for color exchange 423
Asian text
entering 115
Assign Profile command 453
assignment package files
canceling 616
creating 615
receiving 616
receiving return 617
updating 616
See also package files
about 611
creating 611
deleting 623
moving content between 623
opening 617
relinking missing 624
updating 619
updating layout design 621
Assignments panel 610
audio files. See sound clips
Autocorrect spell-checking 154