Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual

Page 669

background image


inset 127

kerning 212

in table cells 262

text composition 246

special characters 152

in OpenType fonts 208

Specifications for Web Offset

Publications. See SWOP


about 153

as you type 154

dictionaries for 155

documents 154

preferences 153

with context menu 155

spelling dictionaries

adding words 158

creating dictionaries 156

default dictionary 157

spot colors

about 413, 575

changing to process 436

CMYK equivalents 583, 584

color management

considerations 442

converting to process 583, 584

displaying Lab values 585

overprinting 580

problems exporting 413

specialty inks 470

using with process colors 414

spread guides. See ruler guides

spreading. See trapping


about 57

controlling pagination 60

copying 61

deleting 60

displaying 57

duplicating 59

fitting in window 32

for print booklets 569

multipage 60

rearranging 59

redistributing and shuffling 61

selecting and targeting 58

starting a document with 58

sRGB color space 445, 456

status bar 21


exporting 102

optical margin alignment 226

threading text frames 124

story editor

editing text in 130

preferences 132

Story structure tag (PDF) 493

strikethrough type

applying 216

options for 216

stroke styles

applying 320

creating 318

loading 320

saving 320


See also stroke styles

adjusting weight when scaling 374

applying color to 417

corner effects 321

in tables 264

modifying 316

options for 317

overprinting 578

start and end shapes 318

Structure pane

about 511

icons in 531

rearranging elements in 531

showing and hiding attributes 533

using 530

style source 274, 275


See also cell styles, character styles,

paragraph styles, and table styles

synchronizing in books 275

table of contents and 281

subscript 216

superscript 216

support screens 469

SVG files

CSS and 104

SVGZ format. See SVG files


See also gradients, inks, tints

adding to a mixed ink group 435

changing defaults 421

changing display of 423

converting to process 435

copying from other document 425

creating new 420, 421

deleting 423

duplicating 422

editing 422

editing in mixed ink group 434

gradient swatch 428

importing 424, 425

mixed ink, creating 433

naming 422

saving for exchange 423

sharing between applications 424

types of 420

web-safe colors 110

Swatches panel

adding unnamed colors to 421

changing display of 423

keyboard shortcuts for 647

mixed ink group and 434, 435

SWOP standards 470

symbols. See special characters

system requirements 1


tab leaders 284

table cells. See cells 252

table of contents

creating 280

editing 285

formatting options 282

importing settings 282

including hidden layers 283

sorting entries in 283

styles and 281

tab leaders in 284

updating 284

table styles

about 268

applying 271

basing on other styles 271

breaking link with text 273

creating 270

deleting 272

editing 271

overriding formatting 272

redefining 272

Table Styles panel 269