selecting in frames 361
selecting nested (overlapping) 361
setting opacity 399
shearing 376
snapping to guides and document
grid 56
techniques for selecting 358
viewing geometric
information 364
wrapping text around 195
online resources 7
about 392
setting for objects 399
opaque inks, trapping 470
open passwords, in PDFs 484
open paths
about 298
creating, with Pen tool 307
creating, with Pencil tool 302
documents and templates 91
PageMaker documents 100
QuarkXPress files 98
OpenType fonts
about 208
applying attributes 209
installing 208
previewing 207
OPI (Open Prepress Interface),
trapping 462
orphans 225
output device profiles 448, 450, 452
overprinting 460
See also trapping
about 577
black objects 580
footnote rules 580
guidelines for 578
paragraph rules 579
previewing effects of 581
strokes or fills 578
default ruler units 47
master page items 66, 67
object styles 180
paragraph and character styles 171
table and cell styles 272
overset text
about 122
in tables 264
Oversized Pages, PDF preset 475
packaging files. See handing off files
or assignment package files
page guides. See ruler guides
page layout
See also master pages
margins and columns 43
saving settings as a preset 44
page numbers
absolute vs. section 84
chapter numbers in 80
formatting 79
in books 277
in indexes 288
in jump lines 84
in sections 80, 81
in tables of contents 279
number display of 83
options for 81
page size
creating custom 44
page spread. See spreads
PageMaker toolbar. See Command
PageMaker. See Adobe PageMaker
adding to document 59
applying masters 65
breaking 130
controlling layers on import 343
copying 61
copying between documents 333
deleting 60
duplicating 59
exporting as JPEG 104
exporting as SVG file 103
going to different page 33
moving 61
object libraries and 354
options for copying 343
rearranging 59
scrolling 33
selecting and targeting 58
viewing 57
Pages panel
page display 57
page number display 84
paginating. See page numbers
See also panels
about 15
panel menu, displaying 16
See also palettes
about 15
collapsing to icons 20
docking 17
grouping 18
moving 18
showing and hiding 16
stacking 19
paragraph styles
about 165
applying 169
applying to multiple
paragraphs 169
basing on other styles 167
breaking link with text 172
clearing overrides 172
converting bullets and numbering
to text 172
deleting 171
duplicating 183
editing 170
finding and changing 173
grouping 184
importing from other
documents 167
importing from Word 168
for lists 243
locating with Quick Apply 183
overriding formatting 171
redefining 170
sorting 185
table of contents and 281
Paragraph Styles panel 165
aligning to baseline grid 227
balancing 228
breaking 130
controling breaks 225
keeping on same page 225
right-indenting last line 232
rules between 223