Target or select a page or spread, Start a document with a two-page spread – Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual
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User Guide
Target or select a page or spread
You either select or target pages or spreads, depending on the task you are performing. Some commands affect the
currently selected page or spread, while others affect the target page or spread. For example, you can drag ruler
guides only to the target page or spread, but page-related commands, such as Duplicate Spread or Delete Page, affect
the page or spread selected in the Pages panel. Targeting makes a page or spread active and is helpful when, for
example, several spreads are visible in the document window and you want to paste an object onto a specific spread.
In the Pages panel:
To both target and select a page or spread, double-click its icon or the page numbers under the icon. If the page or
spread is not visible in the document window, it shifts into view.
You can also both target and select a page or spread by clicking a page, any object on the page, or its pasteboard in
the document window.
The vertical ruler is dimmed alongside all but the targeted page or spread.
To select a page, click its icon. (Don’t double-click unless you want to select it and move it into view.)
To select a spread, click the page numbers under the spread icon.
Note: Some spread options, such as those in the Pages panel menu, are available only when an entire spread is selected.
Page 1 is targeted and page 5 is selected (left), and page 1 is targeted and entire spread is selected (right).
Start a document with a two-page spread
Instead of beginning the document with a right-facing (recto) page, you can delete the first page and begin your
document with a left-facing (verso) page that’s part of a spread.
Important: Because of the settings necessary to keep a left-facing page as the starting page, it can be difficult to insert
spreads into a document when following this method. To avoid this difficulty, it is best to work in the document with a
right-facing page starting page (which should be left blank). When you have inserted all of the pages needed in the
document, delete the first page by following the steps below.
Make sure page 1 of the document is blank.
Choose File > Document Setup. Be sure the document contains at least three pages and that the Facing Pages
option is selected. Click OK.
In the Pages panel, select all the pages except page 1. (The easiest way to do this is to select page 2 and then Shift-
select the last page of the document.)
In the Pages panel menu, deselect Allow Selected Spread To Shuffle.
Select page 1. In the Pages panel menu, choose Delete Spread.
To add a spread to a document that starts on a left-facing page, first make sure Allow Selected Spread To Shuffle is
deselected and Allow Document Pages To Shuffle is selected. Then, insert three pages, and delete the extra page.
2–3 4–5
2–3 4–5