Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual

Page 667

background image


PostScript files

about 564

creating 567

types of 564

PostScript printers

drivers for 549

PPD files

about 550


about 36

composition 247

dictionaries 159

display performance 348

document previews 97

guides and pasteboard 42

measurement units 45

moving objects 372

rulers 48

setting general 36

spell checking 153

story editor 132

text wrap 199

toolbox layout 28

transparency 400


checking files 562

correcting font errors 562

images and links 563


PDF files 489

preflight check 562

prepress, Ink Manager options 583


for converting files 475

document 44

flattening 404

in InDesign 37

PDF export 475

printer 560

transparency flattener 405, 407

Press Quality, PDF presets 475


bleed and slug areas 551

color separations 575, 581

colors. See soft-proofing

data merge records 598

documents 548

documents before printing 548

indexes 287

overprinting 581

print booklets 573

templates 96

previews, including in saved

documents 96

print booklets

controlling creep 573

creating 569

previewing 573

setup options 572

types of 570

printer drivers

about 549

specifying settings 549

printer styles 560

printer’s marks

printing options 551

specifying 550


drivers 549

fonts and 556

selecting PPD file for 550

setting up 549


See also printers, print booklets

about 541

as bitmap 547

book files 279

color blends 559

color management 557

color management

considerations 448

color options 554

composites 576

documents 542

gradients 559

graphics 555

halftones 559

hard proof 558

layers 547

negatives 586

objects 543

omitting graphics 557

on cut-sheet media 552

options for 542

oversized documents 553, 554

page orientation 545

page size 545

paper size and 544

PostScript options 556

preflight check 562

previewing 548

specifying pages 544

thumbnails 552

tiling 553

to non-PostScript language

printers 547

transparent artwork 404

process colors

See also color matching systems

about 413, 414

color management

considerations 442

printing 574

spot color equivalents 576

tips for using 414

using with spot colors 414

vs. spot colors 575

proof print. See hard proof

Proof Setup command 446

PS files. See PostScript files

PSD files

clipping 389

controlling layers on import 343

import options for 340, 341

importing 331

importing colors from 436

PSET files. See plug-in modules

publications. See documents



converting documents 92, 98

Desktop Color Separations

(DCS) 336

keyboard shortcuts 634

quotation marks 152


raster images. See bitmap images

read me file 2

records, in data merges 592

recovering data 38

Rectangle Frame tool 301

Rectangle tool 301

reference point 364

reflecting. See flipping objects


color 576