Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual

Page 672

background image


Video Workshop 5

videos. See movies


additional windows 34

anchors 193

different page 33

document window 21

hidden elements 129

hidden markers 297

hyperlinks 297

pages and spreads 32

tagged text 297

threaded text frames 122

vignettes. See gradients


web graphics

color management

considerations 445

web graphics, color management

considerations 445

web-safe colors 110

white space characters

about 152

flush space 251

nonbreaking spaces 249

widows 225

WMF files 337

flattening 404

word counts 114

word list 93

word spacing 250

work area

about 15

workflow management

about 602

basics 606

checking content out and in 618

icons 608

identifying users 607

version control and 621

working spaces, color 455


fitting pages and spreas 32

saving customized 21

zooming in and out 31

World Wide Web

graphics for 327

wrapping text. See text wrap



exporting content as 105

exporting content for Digital

Editions 108


See also XML tags, XML elements,

XML importing, XML exporting

about 510

attributes 533

child and parent elements 510

comments and processing

instructions 534

laying out automatically 517

laying out manually 516

mapping tags to styles 516

repeating content 518

Root element 531

rules 512

saving tags 540

Structure pane 511

tag markers 528

tagged frames 528

tagging items 525

validating 536

XML elements

about 530

child vs. parent 510

icons on 531

inserting parent element 532

reordering 531

Root 531

XML exporting

data to file 538

editing exported file 540

optimizing images 539

tags only 540

XML importing

about merging 515

appending 515

appending vs. merging 513

merging 522

options for 523

placeholders for automatic

layout 519

XML tags

about 510

applying 525

creating and loading 524

deleting 530

editing 525

mapping styles to 516

saving 540

showing and hiding 528

specifying defaults 528

untagging and retagging 529

XMP (Extensible Metadata

Platform) 97

XMP Software Development Kit 97

XSLT files 523


zooming 31