Export stories for use in incopy cs (indesign) – Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



Exports all content on the selected layer.

All Stories

Exports every story that has not been exported already.

All Graphics

Exports every graphic that has not been exported already.

All Graphics And Stories

Exports every story and graphic that has not been exported already.

If you export all content in the document, and then add more text or graphics frames to the same document, you can
save time exporting the new ones by using the Export > All Stories (or All Graphics or All Graphics And Stories)

command again. InDesign exports only the new content.


Enter a name and location for the files, and then click Save.

The file name you specify is used as a prefix for identifying each exported content file in the file system. If you export
multiple text frames, the first several characters of the text are automatically appended to the file name; for example,
“mystory-Upcoming cycling events.incx.” For multiple graphics frames, the file names are formed as “mystory-
graphic,” “mystory-graphic-1,” and so on. The file name appears in the file system, in the InCopy story bar, and in
status messages.


When prompted, click OK to save the content as managed InCopy files, in the InCopy Interchange Format (.incx).

Also when prompted, save your InDesign file.

The InCopy content is now managed, and is available to be checked out and edited by other users in the workflow.

Shared content appears in the Links panel just like imported graphics. If you move a shared file manually, you can
use the Links panel to update its link.

When you export content, you see the Available icon

on the text frame (InDesign and InCopy), and in the Assign-

ments panel (InCopy). The word [Available] appears in the story bar (InCopy).

Export stories for use in InCopy CS (InDesign)

To open an InCopy CS3 document in InCopy CS, you must save the document to the InCopy CS Story format
(INCD), the format used by InCopy CS. Be aware that stories created using functionality specific to InCopy CS3
might be modified or omitted when you open the file in InCopy CS.


In InDesign, do either of the following:

Select the text frame of a single story, or Shift-click to select multiple frames.

Click an insertion point in a story, or select some text in a text frame.


Choose Edit > InCopy > Export, and then choose one of the following options:

Choose Selection to export all selected text frames.

Choose All Stories to export every story that hasn’t been exported already.

If you export all content in the document, and then add more text frames to the same document, you can save time
exporting the new ones by using the Export > All Stories command again. InDesign exports only the new content.


From the Save As Type menu (Windows) or Format menu (Mac OS), choose InCopy CS Document.


Enter a location and name for the files, and click Save.


Specify the following options in the Adobe InCopy Export Options dialog box, and click OK.

Include Style Table

Embeds character and paragraph styles into a story.

Include Swatch List

Embeds swatches into a story.

Include XMP Information

Embeds Adobe XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) information into a story.