in PDFs 486
installing 206
multiple master 211
OpenType 208
previewing 207
substituting missing fonts 210
footers. See headers and footers
creating 161
deleting 163
layout options 163
numbering and format
options 162
tips for using 164
formatting characters
baseline shift 215
superscript and subscript 216
underline 216
underline and strikethrough
options 216
formatting methods 204
fountains. See gradients
frame grids
See also text frames
about 75
adding borders to 316
aligning tables in 255
as placeholders 76
corner effects 321
creating for drawings 301
fitting to content 113
moving independently from
objects 386
nesting objects in 383
removing content 384
selecting 358
showing and hiding 76
splitting 313
using as border or background 387
using to crop and mask 387
front matter, numbering 79
gamuts 437
General preferences
Disable Auto Add/Delete 311, 312
GIF file format
trapping 462
GIF files
See also bitmap graphics
about 335
global light effect 399
glyph sets
creating and editing 150
deleting 151
saving and loading 151
viewing 151
alternate in text 150
deleting from glyph set 151
displaying OpenType
attributes 149
finding and changing 144
in OpenType fonts 208
inserting 148
inserting alternate glyph 149
scaling 250
spacing of 250
Glyphs panel 147
GoLive. See Adobe GoLive
gradient feather effect 398
Gradient Feather tool 430
Gradient panel 429, 430
Gradient Swatch tool 430
applying 417, 431, 432, 433
applying to text 217
color separations and 576
creating in Gradient panel 430
creating swatch 428
feathering 430
modifying 430
multicolor 430
printing 559
removing intermediate color 431
reversing colors 431
in tables 266
Graphic Arts Technical Foundation
of North America (GATF) 470
choosing formats 327
controlling display
performance 347
embedding 351
formats supported by
InDesign 334
import options for 340
importing 337, 345
importing multiple 339
linked vs. embedded 349
methods of importing 337
object libraries and 354
optimizing when printing 555
placeholders for 76
transforming 383
wrapping text around 196
graphics frames. See frames
greeking text 35
GREP search 136
showing and hiding 52
snapping objects to 56
grouping objects 381
See also grids, ruler guides
customizing 42
showing and hiding 54
hair space 152
halftone screens
specifying 585
halftones 559
handing off files
correcting font errors 562
packaging 563
preflight check 562
repairing links and images 563
hanging indents 231
hard proof 558
headers and footers
creating 82
in tables 256
text variables in 88
headlines, balancing 228
about 2
hidden characters 129
High Quality Print, PDF preset 475
holdback (trapping) 467, 469
href attribute (XML) 534
exporting content as 105
about 494
buttons as 509
creating 495